Known Repositories

Florian Obernberger`s F-Droid Repo


Number of apps: 1 (Doable)

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Not for me.

@EdoSecco new users get blocked at editing the post as it gets too big ( see here ), what’s the gain to repeat the word anyway? Aren’t they ALL repositories?

We need to cut even more useless info from this huge post anyway.


Fundamentally, I don’t think we should be using a forum for this. I think that we should be using a text document in git.

However, more immediately, I think we should probably do something like this:

Consequently, we could instead make it more standardized and consumable by automated programs:

This has the additional important benefit of remaining really easy to modify whilst retaining standardization. Additionally, because links are not linkified, no changes to the forum are necessary to prevent unnecessary duplication of text.

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Hi, I haven’t any “official” role here :upside_down_face:


Added Cromite, an official Bromite fork.


Removed I2P since it’s not accessible.

Please, when removing a repo from here, move the text block to the page for abandoned repositories; I’ve done it now for I2P.
Thank you!

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Oh, I didn’t know that. Thanks for you help. :smile:


Please tell me, what do you think about adding QR codes to this threads.

layout with qr code in a png with hide details

2br-2b’s Repo

A repo 2br-2b uses for distributing his open source programs, along with one for his friends.
Number of apps: 3

Original layout

2br-2b’s Repo

A repo 2br-2b uses for distributing his open source programs, along with one for his friends.
Number of apps: 3


This seems to be no longer maintained (pretty outdated, even the 36C3 app is older than the latest 36C3 app that was released on

I recommend to delete it from the list.

Also: Does anyone know how to contact the maintainers of that repository, in order to get it taken down/ have displayed a big warning that it is outdated, or to have it updated?


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It has been shutdown. I moved the item to Abandoned repositories.

Hostname cannot be resolved: dig | grep -v '^;' | grep .:

ly.			571	IN	SOA 2023122315 3600 900 604800 600

Repo info: Space Cowboy / Feeder ¡ GitLab is archived. But adding to f-droid still works.

I get HTTP error 403 “forbidden”.

Trying to add

to f-droid fails with error

And trying to add

to f-droid fails with

(:arrow_upper_right: Upstream issue report.)

Trying to add

to f-droid gives

I think it is useful. And if they are so small as you showed then they don’t disturbe much in my opinion.

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I started a small cleanup and a few more chapters. Also putting the entire link in the URL, instead of some incomplete one. Makes the huge list shorter and nicer to look at.

I hope you agree with this.

Also, to all, please sort out EOL or outdated repos and put them in the bottom section.


Edit: there is another thread for EOL repos, it is now linked.

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Added Breezy Weather repos.


Thanks for this list and updating it. Collabora online main server is online, I tested today :wink:

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Hi guys,
I tried to add the Collabora repo in fdroid 1.20.1 on GrapheneOS 2024111800 (Android 15) using

Which gave me this error:

When I replace the domain with while keeping everything else as is, then it works. Thus, I propose to update the repo URL to use instead of