What types of apps are you missing from the FOSS ecosystem?

I mean by that:

  1. VPN is added to system
  2. Apps say it’s connected
  3. I go to Termux and “ping” > destination host unreachable
  4. I open any website in a browser and it’s not loading

Same story whether I enter “exit.loki” to exit node and “” to DNS or leave them empty.

Android 11 (LineageOS 18.1), Moto g7 Power

Then you should report the problem upstream. You can’t expect someone to write another one to fix it.

I missed a FOSS MinIO client for Android, so i decided to create one


anedroid, you can get old versions of IceCat if you enable the F-Droid Archive repository.

Just be aware that it’s an old browser app with unpatched bugs security issues yada yada

I don’t use IC anymore but I agree that there’s no great replacement for it, Fennec and FF Klar have their own problems which have gotten worse in the last few years, but if you use something old & more customizable you might be open to all kinds of Javascript and JPEG vulnerabilities and what not (I don’t keep up with the news in that dept). I wish one of the desktop FF forks would find devs & time to publish a mobile version again, but that would deff be a massive undertaking.

I counted 558 known security issues from Firefox 60 final til now.

I got a request if I know a good Baby Care App. There is one on Fdroid but it is 10 Years old and do not work on my phone.

  • There is a need to record sleep and feeding time.
  • Get a nice Graph about thees three value.


  • Have a timer function to remember some intervals like feeding times and see how far the next time is away.
  • Record diaper time

Edit: This wasn’t right place to write this…

This thread is for non-exist apps. For submiting an app to F-Droid, please use RFP instead.

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Almost all applications are available… The one I couldn’t find a replacement for was tasker but finally I found easer and for now it is sufficient.
The only non gods I am using and do not have an alternative for is an sqlite database. It would be perfect if it came with encryption.

A FOSS electric vehicle charge point map.

Is https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.vonforst.evmap/ not good enough?

It’s not ideal in that it requires location permission. If I accept such a requirement I might as well continue with the commercial Zapmap which is more up to date with the current status of charging stations.

It didn’t ask me for location permission… works anyway.

Backgammon (Other games like Chess and Checkers exist on F-Droid, but not this popular one also known as Shesh Besh in the Middle East. Offline mode would be fantastic against a computer with various levels of difficulty along with no permissions for install either)

Tip Calculator (This is a necessity when out and about at restaurants. PalmCalc 2019+ doesn’t cut it from being inaccurate)

Optional Gaming Suggestions after seeing the successful launch of Vector Pinball:

Bowling (Includes Candlepin, Duckpin or Ten-Pin Modes)

Cue Sports (Includes Pool for Eight-Ball, Nine-Ball, Ten-Ball etc)

Shuffleboard (FlickIt incorporates components of it, but the standalone game itself doesn’t exist on F-Droid. I’m referring to the Bar Table Version found at places like The Upstairs At 66 not the Court Stick Version at Royal Palms Brooklyn)

Air Hockey (Like Ping Pong, but more stimulating to the brain from design layout)

Skee-Ball (I would imagine this could be built similar to Bowling, but with a different interactive background)

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Bloatware free stock device options

No clue if this topic is even still about the same subject but…

I am missing an app to find duplicate files so I can delete all files on internal storage that I also have on my SD card.

And I think something that shows me a random file and asks me if I want to keep it or not will also help to clean up my phone a lot (would “game-ify” cleaning up).

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I don’t know about any app that can do that. But I know one working in console: https://github.com/Zackptg5/Cross-Compiled-Binaries-Android/issues/87


Woah, this seems to be based on this foss app itself :laughing: (recently found)

Found several updated or better apps for covering the basic functionalities:

Apps from izzyondroid repo:

Still missing: dictionary, touch blocker, screen text copier
(missing as in actually needing them often and wanting to be FOSS; not just a theoretical consideration):


& Fennec or Mull Search Engine

Enlarge photo.
Very simple task but I had to use outside programs to enlarge photo.
All fdroid applications only offer crop.
It probably has more sense to add this functionality to already available apps such as simple gallery that has resize option, but enlarge doesn’t work.