New TWIF Submission Thread

Element and Schildi, mention CVEs fixed

ente auth allows selfhosting ( Update build steps for Ente's monorepo (!14649) · Merge requests · F-Droid / Data · GitLab ) “you can configure the server by tapping on the home screen 7 times.”

This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

Wallabag app is removed because it uses non-free greendao grade plugin. The greendao gradle plugin is not FOSS · Issue #1399 · wallabag/android-app · GitHub Fortunately we have a new wallabag client now. New App: Frigoligo (!14933) · Merge requests · F-Droid / Data · GitLab


Unstoppable Wallet silently added data collection and sending



I gave a talk “Introduction to F-Droid” at “The Alternative”, a student FOSS interest group in Zürich. The slides are available on Gitlab. Feel free to reuse them if you want to give a similar talk at your local FOSS meetup!

I also created a list of known talks. Some even have video recordings for you to watch!

Pretty app download graphs

F-Droid has collected anonymous metrics a while (see this blog post). The raw data is available here, aggregated week-by-week. For my talk, I wanted to have some pretty graphs, so I wrote some code to create graphs from the raw data.

DivestOS kindly picked this up and generated app download graphs for the top 1000 apps (click on the grey box to view the graph).


Osmand is android 7 or later now

F-Droid 1.20 is live, link to post

afreerdp, up to date version, smaller apk, h264 works?

Principia devs have a news post about the release on F-Droid: Principia is now on F-Droid! - principia-web here

Downloaded and tested. Everything works including h264 (at least the RDP server, GNOME, says it but I didn’t notice any performance difference between having it enabled or not).
Thank you very much for the update!

Conversations/Quicksy 2.16.0, one issue with mute button (fixed in .2) and one issue with big accounts backup (fixed in .2)

Hypathia 3.11 has AI features scanning links on screen

Celestia is interesting, and a huge APK, given that it holds the whole universe inside :slight_smile:

Once the CVE admin issues are public, add blurb in twif. mention past post

Plexus now repro

mumla mention maintenance post Daniel Lublin / mumla · GitLab

DataBackup has been released on F-Droid for a while.
Recently it has a breaking change on UIs, with a lot of new features.

  • :fire:It supports reproducible builds on F-Droid now.
  • :sparkles: This update IS NOT COMPATIBLE with old versions, you’d better CLEAN INSTALL this version, and you can reload to restore legacy backups.
  • :tada: Welcome new friends to our team: @omersusin, @PalmDevs, @frknkrc44.
  • :sparkles: Reimplemented cloud functions.
  • :sparkles: Supported SSAID backup and restoring, you need to reboot after restoring SSAIDs.
  • :sparkles: Supported keystore detection, which means this application may not work after restoring.
  • :sparkles: Downgraded to api 26. Yes now we support Android 8.0+
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SkinBread | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository key change

Updated after almost 3.5 years and you can say resurrected.

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