Known Talks about F-Droid

Known Talks

A list of known talks about F-Droid.


  • Visibility where, when, who talks about F-Droid publicly
  • Share slides for inspiration
  • Discover new talks and slides, and maybe learn something (e.g. historical bits)

How to edit a talk or correct information: just edit this post, the wiki category allows this.
Please keep the order chronological from oldest to youngest.

2014-02-02, FOSDEM 2014, Daniel Martí

Link: FOSDEM 2014 - F-Droid


2018-08-28, Nextcloud Conf, Markus Hoffmann (bubu)

Link: F-Droid Stats from 2019 | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository


2018-12-29, 35C3, Erik Albers

Video: F-Droid:Pimp your Android(-fork) with the best Free Software apps -

2020-02-13, FSFE Berlin, Markus Hoffmann (bubu)

Link: F-Droid Stats from 2019 | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository


2020-04-02, FLOSS Weekly 572, Hans Christoph Steiner (eighthave)


2020-12-28, Izzy

Video: F-Droid App Review Part 1: Request for Packaging - Libre.Video

2021-01-26, Izzy

Video: F-Droid App Review Part 2: Creating Metadata - Libre.Video

2023-07-19, FLOSS Weekly 741, Hans Christoph Steiner (eighthave)

This Is the F-Droid You’re Looking For


2024-05-13, The Alternative Zürich, Thore Göbel (thgoebel)

Introduction to F-Droid

Link: TheAlternative



As you will notice in the list above, I will be giving a talk about F-Droid next Monday (one week from now)!

It will be at The Alternative, a student organisation at my university (ETH Zürich) that does all kind of FOSS stuff (talks, Linux install events, …).

The target audience are both people who don’t yet use F-Droid (part 1 of the talk) but also people who want to publish their Android apps on F-Droid or contribute to F-Droid directly (part 2 of the talk). Of course, all of that you can also learn from reading the docs, but sometimes it’s nice to listen to a talk instead.

The slides are on Gitlab, so feel free to give feedback, point out anything that is worth mentioning, or that I got wrong.
Also feel free to reuse the slides if you want to give a similar talk at your local FOSS group!

That’s also why I created this list and wiki topic. While preparing my talk, I was searching for previous talks to get some inspiration.


Nice, great that you are doing the talk! And nice idea to gather up talk materials. Anything I’ve made is available to anyone freely, under the DFSG license they choose. Here are some links:

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Be welcome to also include my talks/workshops from 2020/21 :wink: