New TWIF Submission Thread

We’d like to have TWIF up and running again. It is important as a means of getting the community and the world up to speed on what is happening in the world of F-Droid.

If you’d like for something to appear on TWIF, please suggest it here.

The rules are simple, please post your updates on this thread before Thursday 0000 UTC every week.
If the deadline is missed, it’ll either be in next week’s TWIF, or possibly not at all if the information is already outdated by then.

If I :heart: your submission, I’ve seen it and added it to my notes. There’s no guarantee it’ll make the final cut, though.


Is there going to be an RSS Feed?


There’s an RSS feed for News | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository right? Because posts end up there :wink:


Thank you.
I wasn’t aware that the post were going to end up in the regular news. To me it sounded more like “its own thing”

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For newly added apps, we need a full description and for downgraded ones, we need a reason


wait which ones? examples? You mean when we find bad stuff in latest? I guess…

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For example Standard Notes was downgraded from 3.171.12 to 3.167.25

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We can’t know why the downgrade happened. If the develooer can post the reason on this thread it can always be included in the TWIF

We can research :slight_smile:

open Standard Notes | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Build Metadata

Upper right Blame

Licaon_Kter "standardnotes - disable autoupdates, add nosourcesi...": standardnotes - disable autoupdates, add nosourcesince, disable non-foss builds (ee585f7f) · Commits · F-Droid / Data · GitLab

Scroll down to references @licaon-kter mentioned in issue #3069 (closed) · Sep 5, 2023, 9:11 AM so we go to: Standard Notes License Is Incorrect (#3069) · Issues · F-Droid / Data · GitLab

and now we know.

At the same time… the Note on top is pretty short and on point: NOTE: Version 3.167.25 is the last one to be free or open-source.”


Thanks for this. \o/ . I’ll check on how to incorporate this on the TWIF for all apps.
Also, @danialbehzadi Thanks for raising the concern that details should be for downgrades and upgrades. I think it is a great idea. :slight_smile:


Looks like there is no TWiF post this week… For the next week:

This week we updated and patched some apps for the 0day in libwebp. Please update them as soon as possible:

  • org.telegram.messenger
  • org.godotengine.editor.v3
  • org.documentfoundation.libreoffice
  • nekox.messenger
  • de.spiritcroc.riotx
  • org.sajeg.fallingblocks
  • org.documentfoundation.libreoffice

More apps will be fixed in the future so please keep an eye on the Updates tab warnings notices. There are still many apps using the libwebp from Android system. If your system hasn’t got the fix yet then you may be still in danger. You should check them by yourself and we can’t fix that from our side.

Krita has released a new version with the fix but I can’t get it built correctly yet. You can switch to the upstream build (non-foss libs included) meanwhile. If you keep using the old versions please be careful don’t open untrusted webp pictures.


Check what? “they” you mean them ? “system updates” or “Android updates” ?

I meant the apps using system libwebp… If an app is affected and the system is not updated, the user should be careful and maybe stop using the app.

By the way, this thread is going to be too long and it’s hard to find TWiF items… That’s why I thought it’s better to open an issue for every TWiF on GitLab. Then we can discuss a TWiF item in the thread.

twif update #submission

RadioDroid was updated after a long hiatus of almost 2+ years.
Package Name: net.programmierecke.radiodroid2
URL: RadioDroid | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Version: 0.86 (96)
Previous Version: 0.84 (94)
Current Version: 0.86 (96)
Build Add Date: 2023-10-04
Changelog: Releases · segler-alex/RadioDroid · GitHub
Note: Added - Auto stop support for auto start-play
Author: Alex Segler

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add 2-3 words about what’s new (if important)

Not much of an update, but the revival of the RadioDroid project as such after a long time.

Apart from that, one question. I am trying to find for the TWIF the below 2 things:

Community News & Removed Apps

Where can I find these details? For Removed Apps, I tried searching in f-droid monitor, but I could not understand which one relates to this. Is this the same as “disabled apps”?
Also, same for the community news. Where can that be found? Is it the same under “News” section, where if anything is available for the week in run?

Think this is about stuff that pertains to F-Droid. Then again it’s no surprise that nothing happens and it’s all quiet :slight_smile:

maybe search for “archive” ?

Yeah, that is true for the news.
For the removed ones, I thought those would be disabled apps as well, right? Or do they fall under some other category?

Those are rarer… to be disabled in whole I mean.

Most gets Archived.

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Maybe the word removed is too strong?

@paulali which apps do you list as removed? By what criteria?