What types of apps are you missing from the FOSS ecosystem?

… cntd.

1 battery … there are a lot more “related” apps when searched with
:mag: battery level
8 keystone/perspective
correction of image
for using with FOSS:
alt to proprietary:
camscanner, MSoffice lens
9 decoding apps converting between ascii, unicode, hex, percent encoding etc
supercharge of FOSS:

You could use this Online graphing calculator — NumWorks in a web browser :slight_smile:

nice, thanks for helping :slight_smile: :handshake: :muscle:

glad that is has natural display/mode too (:

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  • launcher apps:
  • lawnchair: 2.0-2589 : ch.deletescape.lawnchair.plah has that ability to hide apps. and
  • trebuchet: : com.lineageport.trebuchet can “protect” them behind system password too.
  • they are sure foss, butttt it’s kinda complicated due to porting/availability situations (like @relan said here).

yeah, one more vote for old trebuchet ( com.cyanogenport.trebuchet). those old launcher apps also had the awesome grid arrangement when rotated (in landscape orientation). no other launcher of today has that.

There are so many apps for that now, do they satisfy ur case??
:mag: medication | screenshot

wowww, glad this request came before as well. i made this as point one above :slight_smile:

that kind of capability is likely to be found in a file explorer app, have u tried that category of app? i havent yet, otherwise would have given a conclusive output.

check quoted post,

  • app to make pdfs from images exist.
  • remaining part is just to do perspective correction of images. or you can try to capture the documents as orthogonal as possible to avoid doing that correction in “post”.
  • umh, the “grayscale filter” part will still be left, but i think lack of it doesnt block the task

plenty of apps nowadays for it
:mag: recipe

will this work? net.sourceforge.kid3 via :mag: audio tag

huff, took me 4 hours just to fly through all these… :sweat_smile:@@@@

any update?

oh lolololol


how did u check? i am curious as i couldnt figure out how would i check if that app works or not

ohw, ohkay

recipes :
plenty of apps nowadays for it
:mag: recipe

=> None of them have serious import/export features which is mandatory to me : I cannot imagine creating all my recipes one by one… :frowning:

For the app to keep track of medications, none of the FOSS apps satisfied my use case. I ended up using SailForms, a configurable database app (not FOSS) to make the app myself, which does what I want perfectly.

but iits paused

I’m thinking of making FOSS apps but I have no ideas so feel free to suggest some. Not promising anything!

See here:


I’m not a developer and maybe I have App Ideas, which are not realizable …
Just now I’m thinking about:

  1. A lightweight spreadsheet, with the option to connect it to internet, if needed. On may old smartphone I had WS built by the Kingsoft Office Software Corporation Ltd. and I did not use it, because the unconditional acceptation of uncontrolled internet connection.

  2. A driver’s logbook, which runs with AND without GPS or internet localization.

If needed I can maybe help (in 3 - 4 months), after I got a new home for translation in German (quite very good) and Italian (mother language).


  • A macchanger equivalent
  • A simple GPS time sync app. No internet syncing of time. A simple app with no other functions.
  • an app that downloads Rumble videos easily, without the need to paste a link into a downloading website


I would be happy if Qwant Maps is released in an apk even it is still in beta version. It would be great if there is an open source alternative for Duolingo.

A VPN-based application to limit network speed. I’d love to see that.

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Partition manager is missing. Now you can partition only rooted phones, but there is no need to have phone rooted to format USB memory stick, or memory card. At the time of 2022, Android can only format drives to vFat, which is slow and 27 year old file system.

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A simple photo widget : it should take a picture from the media gallery, and display it (resized or croped) in the home screen. Usefull for storing QRCode for example. There is few on GPlay, but with ad (except PhotoWidget from fisk.photowidget).

You might want to test Catima https://catima.app/. For the moment you can only have widgets to open a card (for a qr code for example), but an issue is open to display the codes in the widget: Barcode-showing widget · Issue #737 · CatimaLoyalty/Android · GitHub

Yes I know that app, but i wish something very simplier : a small icon on the homescreen (like an icon of an app, or even resizable) and on a click it display the picture in full screen. Some Samsung have a widget app to do that


I won’t say this looks like ninja spam, because you’ve posted some other things. :slight_smile:

SimpleMobileTools’ Simple Gallery does crop and resize. ImagePipe does too. With Simple Gallery you can save “special” photos like QR codes in their own folder.

There may be a widget already for showing the folder on home screen. DivestOS 18.1 has it.

Edit: Long press on home screen to see widgets list; look for Simple Gallery.

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