Mull Browser - Privacy Oriented Browser

Mostly programmers work here, different people use free software.

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Many people for whom smartphones and computers are an important part of their lives are experiencing difficulties when they learn about the realities in the software world.


BTW, @SkewedZeppelin Mull is not updated for aroun 40 days now. Getting outdated browser in various sites.

Which worthless websites care if it’s 129 or 130? Log off and delete your account data from your password manager.

Trouble is, I need that website for various reasons. Still, there are several websites stating the same. Also, Gitlab too was showing it for some weird reason. Vanished as well. Probably cookie issue.

Mull 131 has been available for 3 days now, see the news: News - DivestOS Mobile


Does anybody else have issues logging into Tuta email using Mull?
It accepts my password but just loads forever without ever actually getting anywhere.

that is because of the disabled JIT & WASM

  • Mull disables the JavaScript JIT to increase security at the cost of slowing down webapps, complex websites, and the PDF viewer. Navigate to about:config and change javascript.options.ion and javascript.options.baselinejit to true to restore their performance.
  • Mull has WebAssembly disabled by default. This is often used for web apps. Navigate to about:config and change javascript.options.wasm to true if needed, this is however a security risk.


When will Fennec & Mull latest version will available in F-Droid Official Repo

after Fennec and Mull: Update to 131.0.3 (!16135) · Merge requests · F-Droid / Data · GitLab is merged

I’m having an issue installing the newest Mull version using the official divestos repo. When installing from F-Droid using DivestOS repo after clicking install it exits the install after 3 seconds and does not finish installing.

I’m using GrapheneOS.

I am using Mull everyday before.

sounds like you might have the version and you are trying to install the incompatibly signed version

you must first uninstall then try again

or alternatively wait a few days for the new version to be in

After the latest update all 1080p youtube videos and livestreams play at about 5fps and there is a lag when typing this comment as well. I didn’t have these issues in the version before this so want to downgrade but then I would be unpatched against high theat vulnerabilities.

@SkewedZeppelin could you please post a direct apk download link for Mull version 131.0.3. I have tried everything I can think of but this latest update has rendered the browser unusable for me, if I stick to just youtube then my risk of being exploited is probably pretty low.

Thanks. If Mull is updated from FFUpdater then where does it download Mull’s latest apk file? Asking as it will keep on taking a lot of space on phone.

Suppose I have opened 10 tabs and I update Mull through FFUpdatter or using the F-Droip app then will all those tabs close after the updation?

why not use f-droid client?

Please explain like i am five, the difference between Mull divest version vs fdroid version?

builr by @SkewedZeppelin locally and signed by them vs built by F-Droid servers and signed by F-Droid

note that @SkewedZeppelin helps both Fennec and Mull in F-Droid too

at this time, there should not be any differences between these 2

the Divested repo updates faster


FFUpdater downloads from the F-Droid repo
but please consider using the F-Droid app instead with the repo added: Our Apps - DivestOS Mobile

There is no difference between the version or the version, besides delay in updates due to cycle times.

Updating the app will not close any tabs.

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Thank you. Is there a way to replace the default android webview with mull or maybe tell apps to use mull instead of the android webview?

no, only Chromium ones can be used, eg. Mulch

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