When opening F-droid app there is nothing. No app is shown. Why?


From time to time, when I open F-Droid app, I don’t find any app, just an empty screen. And this happens in all tabs … This has been happening for some time now , but only now I decided to ask why

If I use the search, I am informed that there is no app to show.

I suspect Blokada app , because it uses VPN , but as my knowledge is limited , I 'm not sure , just suspect …

thanks in advance

Have you “pulled down” to update?

Other similar reports: F-droid app broke itself , F-droid shows empty list after installing one app

Update by app doesn’t work (on screen it says there is nothing to update) . I decided to download Fdroid via the website and for now everything is ok


You must first go on “Paketquellen” and install lots of repositories, like i did, and then install everything one time and remove it later.
Now please don’t ask me where i got the repositories from. I got them from a stranger in a park in Berlin, it was dark and he was wearing a mask.

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