What types of apps are you missing from the FOSS ecosystem?

What I’m missing are alternatives for the only 3 non-libre apps that I use (and can’t live without):

  • a strong backup tool like “Titanium Backup” (I guess oandbackup might come close - i’ll try that for a while now. PS: oandb isn’t able to store backups on the external storage which makes it inconvenient to say the least).
  • a highly customizable widget with toggles like “Power Toggles” I just got used to not having this app anymore.
  • an app like “Popup Widgets” (especially great in combination with Power Toggles). same here.
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A simple app that Locks the screen! Because it revokes fingerprint authorization. And you can sleep in calm!

Is there a photo editor of some sorts?

I know “Simple Gallery” that can crop images but is there an app that has a little more? Brightness/contrast control would be good, and fudge/heal/etc (for anonymizing, for instance).

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Do you find the source codes and contact the developer to join F-Droid??

Thanks for your silence :slight_smile:

Should include this kind of app:
send file to the printer with Android.

Afaik the AOSP clock in the status bar has a setting to display HH:MM:SS. Atleast I have it configured that way on Android 8.1.

Nextcloud Seems the right for you. On phone, I use DavDroid, on Thunderbird CardBook as full Replacement of the address-book and on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer
Nextcloud seems have a good REST implementation so you could use this WebAPI to connect it to other Tools. Maybe you have the need for Postgres so you maybe could also go the way to use nextcloud with Postgres. Here I found a Way from searching the Web

I think we need an app to automate the process of verifying code signatures. Esp APK files.
Something like, copy paste developers signing keys into the app, then app should check each installed apps signing keys against them and show the list of apps that passed or failed.
App should also allow to check downloaded files.

I would like to have the possibility to mount an SFTP as directory in Android. Should be accessible from all apps.

At moment I use GhostCommander with SFTP Plugin

I would like to see the possibility to use Termux as a kind of Busybox replacement, not only for jobs with user rights.

And if you use a cloud storage?

  1. Google/Apple/Samsung Pay alternative for wireless bank card payments via NFC. I suppose, that’s unlikely to ever be made. Better chances that cryptocurrencies will eradicate the national economics and banking systems than the latter will ever agree to provide an open API for traditional payments.
  2. Banking apps for consumers. I bet those track you even deeper than Google and Facebook taken together. Same, they won’t ever agree to provide an open API. I hope some day those sh**ds will be exterminated from the planet for good.
  3. Taxi apps. In my place we have Uber and two other global operators you most likely never heard about. Plus a bunch of smaller companies with their own fleets and own apps. Same as banks, those won’t ever make their API friendly for FOSS community.
  4. A modern browser without crap. Like, fully debloated mobile Firefox or Chromium derivative like something that Inox-patchset developers do.
  5. Actually, a secure AOSP distribution that could be used to replace stock firmwares of most popular smartphones and tablets and be convenient to use. With OTA updates and open source drivers for GPS, GSM, Wifi and everything else on a board. CopperheadOS is a good first step, but they support only Nexus/Pixel phones, stop their support the same day Google does and surely the drivers are closed-source.

Those are the things I really want to be changed in FOSS Android ecosystem.


What do you mean by saying pandbackup cannot store backups in external storage? :thinking:

There are a few in my opinion:

1. Video Player
I could not find VLC anymore at f-droid. But its available on there website with latest version 3.0.1.

2. Download Manager
a download manager is missing piece jewel at f-droid. Maybe uGet could be an option which is Aria2 based.

3. 2FA
Something like authy with password protection.
There is one but it seems to have bug. To view codes all I have to enter no password. The process crash and open unlocked.

3.File Manager
A rich feature file manager is also missing.

OR, I might not be able to find those apps in repo. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Thx.


On my Fairphone 2 with Lineage OS (rooted + Busybox installed correctly) oandbackup won’t successfully store backups on the external SD card. It looks like it works, but restoring the backup fails.
I don’t have any knowledge of the technical side, but this is how someone explained it to me:

Backups on internal storage work well, which is nice, but makes scheduled backups less practical as you still have to regularly move the backup somewhere else to have it if something happens to the internal storage.

I´d wish for an app that extracts contacts incl. adresses, phonenumbers, birthdays etc directly into a nice analog filofax format to print out.

Emm, @anon99929151
Take a look, https://github.com/jensstein/oandbackup/issues/125#issuecomment-335050270

There you can read how you can make it work.

I suggest you can avoid this.

If you need more support/conversations about oandbackup, please start a new thread.

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People where I live use a lot an app to share their apps over WiFi Direct. This prop. app extracts and sends the APK over WiFi Direct which is fast.
Is there any app like this one to replace that prop. app ?
May be someting that can extracts the installed app and send P2P, DHT or whatever local (secure) node, peers or direct push over WiFi ?
F-Droid does that but wonder if there are other diversity alt. apps for sharing locally.

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  1. Video Player
    I could not find VLC anymore at f-droid. But its available on there website with latest version 3.0.1.

Usually Gallery applications support playback of most formats, e.g. Leafpic, Simple mobile gallery. I personally do take VLC from their website and also use a small app that is based around the newer Exo media framework, but that’s yet only in private use and not really big in term of functions etc.

  1. Download Manager
    a download manager is missing piece jewel at f-droid. Maybe uGet could be an option which is Aria2 based.

There are a lot of Torrent clients available if you mean that, e.g. Transdrone. For others downloads the android builtin download manager + request from apps/browsers is quite good.

  1. 2FA
    Something like authy with password protection.
    There is one but it seems to have bug. To view codes all I have to enter no password. The process crash and open unlocked.

I use andOtp and previously FreeOtp. The former does allow multiple auth for getting codes.

3.File Manager
A rich feature file manager is also missing.


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I miss an app like “officelense” or gscam.
“Open Note Scanner” is not really an alternative.


What should be nice is to have a Qbitorrent for Android :slight_smile: