What types of apps are you missing from the FOSS ecosystem?

Missing: another Bible application.
Actually there is only 1 Bible app in Fdroid store.
That’s why I came with my app in 4 languages :slight_smile:
Need a volunteer to make the package.
Remember guys: we are in the end times, don’t wait too much.


@marcnn, Aard2 is just a great dictionary app.
And BTW I managed to convert any star dict to aard format, see my blog for

A photo-camera with Integrated Qr-Code Scanner which is able to be used from lock-screen. #Opencamera is Really great but I really miss a Qr-Code Scanner in it and be able to use it from Lockscreen.

I don’t really like Oandbackup. It do not work well. In all my tests Oandbackup was only able to recover around 3/4 from all Apps - on the same device. Recovering accounts never worked and some application get error and have to be reset to get them work. Seems teh Developer has not many time to work on this project.
I would prefer a way like Google do. Automatic in Background into a directory or in your owncloud/nextcloud and this with a Backup you can trust in.

I miss a WebRTC app to be able to use the Nextloud Spreed App better https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/spreed
(see also: https://github.com/siacs/Conversations/issues/1234)

A good replacement for Tasker, or in minimum a Replacement that is able to use Tasker prepared Apps.

A tool that allows me to manipulate some System internals like Gravity-box do. e.g. I wish to create an other Mount-point for the SD-Card because the shitty Names based on UID are like hell.
Also I wish to change the Camera-button of my phone to Open-camera.
And wish to set an action for knocking on the Phone (Do set a call silence if I knock on the phone once, or refuse a call if I knock twice on the Phone in the pocket)
If possible I wish to repair SE-Linux because I have some File that are not any more able to access without root even I do “chown” on them.

A text Editor that has no Problem with huge text files. The best Text-editor at moment is the Build in one from Ghost Commander.

A VPN add-in for SSH connection.

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  1. Open Camera / Tickets / #129 barcode scanner
    2 oandbackup isn’t good with some system apps (providers, settings and
    accounts), but should work great with regular apps. You should report any
    such problems to the issue tracker.
  2. Also I wish to change the Camera-button of my phone to Open-camera
    That usually just works on most ROMs
    Try disabling stock camera to check.

  3. A VPN add-in for SSH connection
    That’s a nonsense, please drop a proof link it works on any OS, e.g Linux.

ssh -D 1234 username@servername

thats a so called “socks” proxy.

Seems closed.

I do but it’s a long way.

That not work in this cased. After deactivating the Button is not working any more.

Open Camera / Tickets / #129 barcode scanner

Seems closed.

Yep. Join and let’s ask again together!

That usually just works on most ROMs. Try disabling stock camera to check.

That not work in this cased. After deactivating the Button is not working
any more.

I mean stock Camera APP, not button.

Something to copy everything from one Android phone to another.
Connect two phones to a PC, off you go, or one cable in between the two phones.

It seems proprietary in the prior case, and depending on vendor for the second, right now.

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Something to copy everything from one Android phone to another.

adb backup?

it first needs a means of getting root on every device. Then it needs a boot loader.

mrbrklyn , wrong.
adb works fine without root/bootloader magic.

no - it doesn’t work. I have three andriod devices all of which can’t communicate through usb on a variety of systems. It is at a point where you give up. That Android needs to from the free software community is programs that give outright ownership of the technology back to the user.

Root access and Bootloading is not Magic. Root access allows you to have the final say as to how your computer system functions and stores data. Bootloading gives the final say to the user what software is to run on a device. Without this access you don’t own your machine, and the purpose of Free Software is to return digital rights ownership to individual users.

  1. I don’t give up
  2. adb works over the air
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I don’t say “magic” to designate users don’t need root and/or unlocked
I say that adb is much more accessible then those two.
BTW how do you suppose to get root and bootloader without USB?

I don’t give up
adb works over the air

What is that supposed to mean? Your first point is irrelevant.

The second point, please enlighten everyone how it is done through the wireless since the documentation I am reading clearly says it has to be set up by UBS first. But if you can write the steps to do it over wifi, It might be the first available on the internet. But then one needs a SU binary, and this doesn’t fix the bootloading problem.

adb is not substitution for real root access and boot loading access.

To get boot loading access, perhaps a functioning initramfs and grub binaries.

@kingu - with KDE connect you could send Files and also the clipboard (copy/paste) from one android to another (same w-Lan)
with syncthing you could sync a directory between two devices over internet (like bittorent-sync)

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What is really missing is Antimalware & antivirus.
Like Clamav: https://www.clamav.net/
Should be possible to build it for Android, it runs on Linux, Mac too.
Maybe the db is not always up-to-date.

An open source file manager (or image/video manager) that will show thumbnails of images in a remote repository (CIFS or sftp) and stream video. These are the features that have kept me using SolidExplorer.