What types of apps are you missing from the FOSS ecosystem?

Linux to Android converter. Input tarball, output apk.

Is the toolchain even ARM compatible?

GUI ImageMagick

Use ImagePipe or Termux


Termux? Anlinux? Userland?

Universal compression app

Of files?

Privilege elevation like ‘sudo’.

Hard without root…

chown, chmod functionality in a file manager

Isn’t this by default?

Network wifi bandwith monitor

Netguard has this, right?

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Termux brings *n*x shells (bash, etc.). Limbo x86 is something like VirtualBox, virtualizes x86 systems on ARM. It’s a little slow because ARM is bad at (x86) virtualization. I believe there’s also a program that lets you run some Linux apps or something but I’ve forgotten the name.

chown, chmod functionality in a file manager

chown and chmod don’t seem to work for me in Termux outside the Termux folder in device memory. Maybe this needs root. chown and chmod are also physically not possible on SD cards because exFAT doesn’t support file ownership and permissions (go figure).

Screen Stream

I have started using FIDO2-Security Keys to secure my Accounts. On Phones with Google-Apps the WebAuth-Login is provided by the Google Authenticator App.

Is there a FOSS alternative that allows using USB or NFC hardware keys?

I saw an SDK for some google independent approaches at HWSecurity.

You can have a look at the Yubikey Authenticator.

I’m surprised Jellyfin isn’t on F-droid

Do not hold your breath. New app: Jellyfin (!6676) · Merge requests · F-Droid / Data · GitLab

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Anyone ever considered an open source alternative to GPay?

Surely one can reverse engineer the code required to make a successful transaction

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For that you need to cooperate with banks. Not so easy for small opensource projects.
Also reverse engineering doesn’t help much because the interesting stuff happens server side

Once again screwed over because of closed source standards huh :cry:

I don’t think there is any real standard. Big companies (Apple & Google) have just the power to introduce such a new app. At the beginning there were very few banks onboard, especially in Germany.
Sparkasse is still not available in GPay and they have their own app that supports NFC payments (Android only). There is also Garmin Pay and Fitbit Pay but they also struggle to include many banks.

Miss the same.
Use to use the CamScanner app from google play store when needed.
It’s just so convenient to be able to make PDFs from paper documents… Couldn’t find a FOSS alternative yet…

Even the new version of YAAC is not working, it does not even show the media-files on my phone …

Spielmops, waiting for a real solution

You reported this upstream to the app devs?

Same as you. I have missed the chance to get a professional video cutting tool called Joyoshare Video Cutter for free. What a pity.

It is not perfect but works fine
Video Transcoder (Video transcoding between common formats) - https://f-droid.org/packages/protect.videoeditor

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Don’t even know if it’s possible, but a SPOTIFY client would be nice!
I use Spotify often, but their last versions just don’t work right on my phone, so I stuck with an oooold version…
Having a foss alternative would be great!

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Did someone kown a clone of the good old blouder dash game?

The apps I miss are difficult or impossible to implement in the FOSS environment. My suggestion are to be understood more like dreams than actual requests.

Starting with the easiest (I imagine):

These all need varying degrees of cooperation from their corporate owners so they are difficult to implement from the community level unfortunately…


and here a bit of a strange one that I don’t even think exists on other ecosystems that could address some of my unrealistic wishes above:
A virtual machine with a seamless mode.
Imagine being able to run apps seamlessly in a virtual machine on your phone.
One iOS app, another Microsoft app, apps that require the Google stuff on Android and a jail VM for those privacy nightmares like Facebook, TikTok and whatnot.
With phone hardware being more and more overpowered for the classic use case of phone (my opinion) this might be possible right? The new Snapdragon 888 chip has a hypervisor that could make this idea more realistic from what I understand.
Just imagine a Degoogled Linux phone that could run Garageband, Office365, your Banking Apps and if you plug in a monitor it could run a Desktop OS :drooling_face:

One can dream right?

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For the directions, you can use Transportr. It can not buy tickets, though.

Do you know OsmAnd? The app is pretty powerful but in my opinion, it recently gets harder and harder to use as they add more features.