Welcome a new Fennec F-Droid

That Dark extension, why does it connect to Github continously?

I’ve removed “Dark Background…” and “Dark Reader”.

I was going to put lots and lots of addons in my collection.
But not necessary, can add more later if I really need them.

I would like to know, my guess is that it is to download rules.
I can’t live without Dark Reader, so I’ve always blocked its connections to Github, anyway it’s still very annoying its continuous phoning home.

@ SkewedZeppelin

about:config → dom.security.https_only_mode → Toggle → true → Quit
Isn’t reliable (for me).
Sometimes when I enter http://example.com/ it shows “Insecure”, then I have to Toggle and Quit again.
So I’m now using “HTTPS Everywhere” addon.

Firefox Android Nightly v99 now has jpeg-xl capability.
And the “image.jxl.enabled” flag Toggle IS reliable.
Remains stuck OK.
Test page for jpeg-xl —> https://jpegxl.info/

So maybe dom.security.https_only_mode is buggy.

It works for me. 98 version currently

“It works for me. 98 version currently”
Check it occasionally with this link —> http://example.com/
That’s “http” without the “s”.
Should show “Connection is secure”.

I insist, it works correctly for me.

Edit: oopsie, I’m on Mull, not Fennec tho.
I didn’t read it well

Edit2: I have tried in Fennec and it also works fine. Futhermore, I have tried connecting to an http only page and it does not connect and the warning appears.

Good afternoon:

I don’t know if you could add in Fennec the Chameleon add-on it would be Chameleon – Consigue esta extensión para 🦊 Firefox (es) and Cookie AutoDelete Cookie AutoDelete – Consigue esta extensión para 🦊 Firefox (es) and CanvasBlocker CanvasBlocker – Consigue esta extensión para 🦊 Firefox (es)

Best regards

Probably a solution would be to use custom addons collections as shown here:

But I’ve never tried it, in any case I’ve just tried to activate the debug mode on mull (a fork based on fennec) and it shows me the option to add the collections, so I think it could work.

Like I already said above…
about:config → dom.security.https_only_mode → Toggle → true → Quit
Isn’t reliable (for me).
If I shut down the app with App Info i —> FORCE STOP
The https_only_mode flag is reset to false.
That’s the bug.

Tested with
Fennec F-Droid v97.1.1(Build #971100)
Firefox Nightly v100.0a1(Build #2015868073)
Test page http.example.com
That’s http dot example dot com

What about Mull browser, is that bug there too?

Yes, the problem is also present on mull. The strangest thing is that I changed other parameters of the about:config and it seems that the only one that is reset is dom.security. https_only_mode others work properly.


I changed other parameters of the about:config and it seems that the only one that is reset is dom.security. https_only_mode others work properly.”

Yes, I mentioned that in my other post…

Firefox Android Nightly v99 now has jpeg-xl capability.
And the “image.jxl.enabled” flag Toggle IS reliable.
Remains stuck OK.
Test page for jpeg-xl —> https://jpegxl.info

about:config → dom.security.https_only_mode → Toggle → true → Quit
Isn’t reliable (for me).

It seems this is a known issue.
HTTPS-Only Mode is work in progress at Fenix.
There will be a ui Setting.
Won’t need to use about:config.

Sorry for not reading all 373 previous posts. Not seeing any Fennec icon in F-Droid. Is that expected? After installing, the app does have an icon.

Edit: Seems a case of Some app icons not showing (#2274) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab for what it’s worth persisting with 1.15.

Same here, must be on of those icons issues that keep popping up, meh

Should Fennec F-Droid be able to play invidious or youtube videos in the background as Bromite is able to? Whenever going back to homescreen, video playback stops. Took a brief look at open issues but could not find one for background playing of videos.

There’s an addon for that iirc, try to install it and retest

Found GitHub - mozilla/video-bg-play: Break Page Visibility API and Fullscreen API so video plays in background which looks unmaintained. Are you aware of a maintained add-on?

But it does not work for you?

Also, why not use Newpipe anyway instead?

Not to keen on trying a random unmaintained add-on which, due to lack of recent updates, hasn’t gone through basic checks by Mozilla.

New to LineageOS, so thanks for the NewPipe hint. It works although I would prefer to have one less app and just use browser.