Please find attached three diagrams of a recently (today) added app.
I send these diagrams to address what I perceive as a current shortcoming: Apps are not easy to find in F-Droid. And the (meanwhile not so new) “New UI / UX of F-Droid app” did just make it much worse for me.
The diagrams allow to find apps with similar descriptions and relatively quickly check some characterisics.
The diagrams potentially help both users and developers: e.g. allow to find previous work to use or build on (avoid duplicate work/find collaborators), find app alternatives, check apps based on android permissions or antifeatures.
The script that generated the diagrams is available at gitlab (see thread [app_match.R - find similar apps on f-droid by similarity of their descriptions]).
The first diagram shows the most important (*) matching terms:
(*) of course these are secret;^)
The second diagram shows a little more description:
The third diagram shows antifeatures/permissions:
I hope these type of diagrams provide value to TWIF readers (or the website:)