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Dear @verdulo, your arrogance and ignorance demonstrated in this post makes me wonder why the hell you speak Esperanto? I have met some Esperantists. When people learn that I’m Polish they are happy to mention Białystok, where Esperanto was born, and we have a little chat about Poland and Esperanto. People learn Esperanto because of pure curiosity especially if they are still at a school/university age or because they have multicultural experience, travel a lot, move countries, or have learned a bit of other languages in their lives. These are fantastic people, open-minded, with a lot of wisdom, curiosity. That made me learn some Esperanto too :wink: I had never even heard of it when I was living in Poland. Your post clearly demonstrate that you are the type who’s life turns around his nose. I bet that you are too lazy or not smart enough to learn foreign languages but you realize that you cannot go far speaking only Polish. You have picked up Esperanto because it’s easy enough for you and now you force it around like religion. This post reached my email via forum digest and I was really happy to see Esperanto language in F-Droid, until I actually read your post. You are the kind of person who ruins the whole Esperanto idea. I’m happy to see that your are the only rude and short-sighted person in this thread. I hope it was only a moment of frustration and you really don’t think that way. If that’s true, please remember to inspire people, not force Esperanto.