Privileged Extension OTA workaround for LOS 17.1

Regarding the problem described here:

If you are on LOS 17.1, you can use the LOS adb root feature to maually push the files of the OTA zip to their respective location.

  1. Activate Developer Settings

  2. Enable ADB and ADB Root in Developer Settings

  3. Extract the OTA zip files

  4. Type these commands from within the extracted folder

    adb root
    adb remount
    adb push F-DroidPrivilegedExtension.apk /system/priv-app/
    adb push permissions_org.fdroid.fdroid.privileged.xml /system/etc/permissions/
    adb push F-Droid.apk /system/app/
    adb push /system/addon.d/

  5. Reboot, go to F-Droid Settings and check if the privileged extension is detected

  6. Disable ADB Root and ADB for security reasons

This worked for me on Pixel XL (marlin) with the latest lineage-17.1-20200916 installed, but please tell me if this is a stupid thing to do!

EDIT: This did NOT work on my unofficial LOS17.1 Nexus 6P (angler), seems like a failure of the ADB Root feature.


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