Build pipeline schedule calendar and/or automatic verbose explanation?

About 2 years ago I had a similar trouble understanding the update process that topic

I have recently updated the app but I don’t know where to check why the update is not fetched by F-droid.
On the wiki the fdroid checkupdates log comes from 2019-11-27, where the subsequent fdroid build log comes from 2019-12-05.

These dates don’t match the previous explanation that checkupdates runs continuously.

Many thanks!

Which app exactly…? com.gacode.relaunchx ?

Ref: Actually update version by licaon-kter · Pull Request #20 · Leszek111/ReLaunchX · GitHub

Many thanks for your help.

I can see the checkupdate run recently at 2019-12-08 04:47:57Z and it took ~8h. Well, I guess it runs at least once a week then :wink:

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