Will ever fdroid support architecture specific APKs

As it will reduce download and installation size and i don’t think there are any users using android in x86 x86-64 if anyone using that they are using fdroid also is a extramly low if any. So it is the best way that architecture specific APKs will reduce the pressure on fdroid servers and also devices who are using fdroid so installing many apps won’t eat up internal storage like pizza.

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That depends on app, if they are arch specific (if they have lib/arch/.,…)

But yes, we’ve been pushing for “abi split” (keywords)

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Sure i appreciate that i think having split apks it makes more sense as i have told you that x86_64 is no more usefull to have support for

F-Droid already supports architecture-specific APKs, the set of supported architectures depends on the app itself.

N.B. x86-64 support is useful for virtualized scenarios, e.g. to run an Android app on GNU/Linux desktop.


You can decide what is useful or not for your own app.

If you want devs to drop it, please open issues with THEM.

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no that is not my point 99% users are arm users so having a dedicated arm build will reduce then app and there is no point that users will have to have binary of another architecture that only or less than 1% users have. taking out x86 will reduce the app size and users storage on phones.

Read from the top all the messages that you did not write!

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