Which PDF editor you are using on your mobile device?

Adobe is good but the monthly subscription price costs a lot.

I’m looking for a cheap PDF editor with basic features like editing, scanning, and annotating
Are you satisfied with the performance of the particular editor you are using? Can you share your experiences in this regard?

Thank you in advance

That’s not FOSS, not sure why mention that…


Thanks, I’ll try later!

OOC, as a non tech user, does OpenNotes not become a bit tough for generic user? I use NoteBloc, though not opensource (afaik), but I any ways deny network access to it.

Ohh and btw, yes, PDF Convertor by SwatiStar is best till date.

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what is best good pdf text editor open source app here

PDF converter :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a new one I have recently gotten hold of, but it turned out to be having some privacy issues and apparently it is proprietary. Sadly…

Simple PDF for me or MuPDF is interesting. Available in F-droid

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It depends what you are trying to do.

  • create PDF from markup/text
  • create PDF from images or html
  • edit/anotate existing PDF

See the one I shared above.

If you want peace and productivity with all modern features do use Microsoft 365 (formerly Office) android app. Use in-built lens option to capture and make pdf or just use its pdf tools.

When I had no other choice I used https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xodo.pdf.reader , it was pretty good

I’d definitely place it behind a firewall though, as with any closed source app (or any app actually).