Which F-Droid Client Currently Using as Your Default Application?

F-Droid Version 1.19.0 will be Suggested and Version 1.19.1 Released

@naveen pls stop adding comments for no apparent reason in various threads.
You should know, to edit a comment instead of adding so many over again.


F-Droid Classic because the official client at some point stopped showing content in languages in order according to Android setting. I reported the bug two years ago.

F-Droid Classic ponieważ oficjalny klient w pewnym momencie przestał pokazywać zawartość w językach w kolejności w jakiej zostało to ustawione w systemie Android. Błąd został zgłoszony dwa lata temu.

I’m using a Lineage based Android distribution, how exactly do I select this locale in Android Settings? It only gives me “Polish”

I like that Neo store shows links to other apps by the same dev
But Neo store is a bit buggy

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Esperanto is not yet selectable in Android. Use the program SetEdit to modify in the category “System Table” the parameter “system_locales” to “eo-001,pl-PL” and restart your device.

Ah, ok, so not an F-Droid Client bug. :+1:

Ignoring settings of user is not a bug? If you instead of Esperanto select Sardinian language then F-Droid will display content in Polish, while F-Droid Classic will display content in Sardinian.

Which Merge Request did you open to fix it?

What is F-Droid Client

The client means the app to access the server/repository.



F-Droid Version 1.20 Overhaul Repo & Mirror Handing

If app only available in Official F-Droid, it does not shows Repositories in app page

My Suggestion to add app from F-Droid

because you want to switch to…what?

this was discussed, the prevailing opinion was that it’s expected to be from F-Droid

If you add more repos that HAVE the same app, you see something.

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If app is only available in F-Droid it need to show app from F-Droid Repo

Do understand that, for every user that wants to see “something” there’s another that does not want to see it. F-Droid can’t fulfil both those expectations.

Okay…its my sugession to implement if possible

This seems quite off-topic for this thread, so quick answer here. Follow ups should happen somewhere on topic.

We decided specifically that fdroidclient will not show the repo if the app is only available from the default repo. There are many reasons for this, one key one being that users who never use repos should never see this added complexity.


I’ve been mainly using F-Droid and F-Droid Basic. As I prefer how well done they are all around. That’s pretty much it lol. Though sometimes I do envy some of the unofficial clients convenience features like repository backups for example

I will admit the latest Neo Store update looks quite promising to me… But it lacks the recent changes to how F-Droid treats repositories which is kind of a deal breaker for me. I wasn’t expecting it to have the changes as they are quite recent but still. Maybe in the future though.