Update QKSMS To 3.7.10 From 3.7.6

I can see that F-Droid QKSMS is still at 3.7.6 (Git-23days ago), while, the author has now moved to 3.7.10, 3 days ago. Can it be kindly updated?

The last build log is pretty clear: F-Droid Monitor

ERROR: Found unknown maven repo 'http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' at build.gradle

I guess this might fix it: Use HTTPS for maven by licaon-kter · Pull Request #1538 · moezbhatti/qksms · GitHub :wink:

So, since the maven is using HTTP, instead of HTTPS, that is why. Gotcha. I find it difficult to understand few things at times. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s recent thing, enforcing HTTPS, so apps will stumble on it as they come and upstream will need to make this small fixup.

Ohh, understood. :slight_smile:

Netguard shows 3.7.10 attempting to phone home to google (1e100.net).

Yes and no, it might be just a “connectivity check” of sorts, what did you do before, got/sent a MMS?

It’s more frequent than MMS, seems to happen with any usage of the app.

I don’t see it connecting, then again I just installed it and send one SMS only.

@moezbhatti Care to chime in?

/LE: @jys Silence works fine and has encryption :wink:

Not actually that paranoid, only mention it because some people are “sensitive” about things like that. :smile: It may very well just be connectivity pings (letting users set a domain for this is a nice touch).

Actually, I find the latest version home too. Even though I do not use any FoogleApps, still.

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