Hallo, merkwürdige Sache:
Suche ich nach "UnifiedNlp (No Gapps) in der F-Droid-App, steht oben, dass sie vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert wurde. Unten finde ich die letzte Version vom 23.08.2021.
MMn sollte F-Droid für die Zeitangabe die installierte/neuste Version heranziehen und nicht die Version von der F-Droid repo.
Nevertheless, this is not quite right.
imho, it should base the “LastUpdated” string on the newest known App and not on the lastest F-Droid provided version.
Actually, the last updated thing is kind of correct. There’s always been a weird inconsistent listing depending on setup or something.
Technically, UnifiedNlp (F-Droid repo) hasn’t been updated in four years. Unlp has the same package name as its bigger brother, microG. If one were to check the drop-down versions list they might find the Unlp 1.6.8 version there.
I run both microG and Unlp based ROMs. How either is displayed in F-Droid clients is inconsistent.
I’ll have microG installed but the client will show “UnifiedNlp (no Gapps)”.
The ROM I’m typing on now is a Google-free setup using UnifiedNlp yet the client (F-Droid Classic) shows “microG Services Core”.
Across four other devices with microG, listed as one or the other.
Repo order plays a factor. New install of F-Droid. UnifiedNlp shown as installed. Add microG repo and now UNlp is listed as microG.
Like when I have Bromite repo. Added the Ungoogled Chromium repo which caused the client to list my Bromite WebView as Ungoogled WebView since it is synced/read after. Removed then re-added the Bromite repo so its webview displays correctly.
Anyway, just one of those things we need to pay attention to before worrying or thinking something’s wrong/broken.