Unhappy with new text formatting

I don’t know when exactly this update happened but I installed it now. Everything looks different. And although I’m aware that there is a factor of just the unfamiliar I am very unhappy with the changes. Like why is there such a big gap on the left border? In compact style why is the sub text so huge, almost exactly as big as the title? The body text in the article view also somehow gotten bigger, like I’m a senior citizen with reading problems. The line height is too small for the font size. And very bad: why is the title not bold?!! But worst of all, look at this:

So either please rework this to match the old style or give the user at least some options.

Which app is that exactly? You might need to report this to them directly…

I assume you mean this app:

You can submit suggestions/improvements/issues for the app under

whoopsie! boomer moment. thanks


@spacecowboy :slight_smile:

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