Uak mobile-paper-wallet - recipe issues

I’m trying to submit a Kivy app. I wish there were more documentation about it but couldn’t find more yet. so I followed trial and error path.

My app yml file looks like this:

  - Money
License: GPL-3.0-or-later

RepoType: git

  - versionName: '1.1'
    versionCode: 100001
    commit: v1.1
      - apt-get update || apt-get update
      - apt-get install -y build-essential libffi-dev libltdl-dev python2.7 zlib1g-dev
    output: bin/myapp-$$VERSION$$-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-debug.apk
      - cpython@v3.8.10
      - buildozer@1.3.0
      - sed -r "s:#?android.sdk_path =.*:android.sdk_path = $$SDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.ndk_path =.*:android.ndk_path = $$NDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.accept_sdk_license =.*:android.accept_sdk_license = False:"
        -i buildozer.spec
      - pip3 install --user --upgrade $$buildozer$$ Cython
    build: PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" buildozer android release
    ndk: r23c

MaintainerNotes: |-
    Both SDK and NDK path are set to use fdroid ones.
    The auto accept license is disabled since fdroid sdkmanager doesn't support
    the --licenses argument.

AutoUpdateMode: Version
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: '1.1'
CurrentVersionCode: 100001

I’ve tried to construct the file from other Kivy apps available on f-droid like:

I’m getting these errors when I run fdroid checkupdates:

vagrant@e36163fe2f72:/build$ fdroid checkupdates --allow-dirty com.uak.mobile_paper_wallet
2022-06-07 05:14:27,511 WARNING: apksigner not found! Cannot sign or verify modern APKs
2022-06-07 05:14:40,999 INFO: Processing com.uak.mobile_paper_wallet
fdroid build --on-server 2022-06-07 05:14:48,551 ERROR: ...checkupdate failed for com.uak.mobile_paper_wallet : Couldn't find any version information

When I try to skip that and run build directly as suggested on IRC I get this:

==== detail begin ====
+ sed -r 's:#?android.sdk_path =.*:android.sdk_path = /opt/android-sdk:' -i buildozer.spec
sed: can't read buildozer.spec: No such file or directory
==== detail end ====

I’m sure I’ve the file in my repositories but not sure where the build process is looking.

Also many of the examples seems to expect to have build/srclib/cpython directory but I don’t have it on my container and cd build/srclib/cpython always fail.

Original repo:

Would appreciate if someone can give me a hand on this, thank you.

Yes, where can we read versionCode and versionName of the build tagged?

We need to build it then,

      - pushd $$cpython$$
      - mkdir -p /tmp/cpython
      - ./configure --prefix=/tmp/cpython --enable-optimizations
      - make -j`nproc`
      - make install
      - popd
      - export PATH=/tmp/cpython/bin:$PATH

Under commit: add:

    subdir: src

This is building now, looks like it takes a while…

  - versionName: '1.1'
    versionCode: 100001
    commit: v1.1
    subdir: src
      - apt-get update || apt-get update
      - apt-get install -y build-essential libffi-dev libltdl-dev python2.7 zlib1g-dev
      - rm /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3m
    output: bin/myapp-$$VERSION$$-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-debug.apk
      - cpython@v3.8.10
      - buildozer@1.3.0
      - sed -r "s:#?android.sdk_path =.*:android.sdk_path = $$SDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.ndk_path =.*:android.ndk_path = $$NDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.accept_sdk_license =.*:android.accept_sdk_license = False:"
        -i buildozer.spec
      - pushd $$cpython$$
      - mkdir -p /tmp/cpython
      - ./configure --prefix=/tmp/cpython --enable-optimizations
      - make -j`nproc`
      - make install
      - popd
      - export PATH=/tmp/cpython/bin:$PATH
      - pip3 install --user --upgrade $$buildozer$$ Cython
      - PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" buildozer android release
    ndk: r19c

…maybe it just succeeds? :slight_smile:

1 Like

Failed, maybe you can read the log and help out? (888.4 KB)

Thank you for taking the effort to debug my code and create almost working build instructions.

As RobertFlatt noted on Kivy’s Discord:
The error message at the end of the log starts with “ERROR: Trying to release a package that starts with org.test…”

I’ve modified the buildozer.spec file to replace org.test:

# (str) Package domain (needed for android/ios packaging)
package.domain = com.gitlab.uak

However for me I’m unable to go past the following error despite using your build instructions:

versionCode: 100002
versionName: 1.2
commit: v1.2
Build completed at 2022-06-07 20:58:11Z

Error running build command for com.uak.mobile_paper_wallet:1.2

==== detail begin ====
+ pushd /build/build/srclib/cpython
bash: line 0: pushd: /build/build/srclib/cpython: No such file or directory
==== detail end ====

Mind sharing the full yaml file? are you using the default configurations as in Submitting to F-Droid Quick Start Guide

That is the full one.

I’d guess you are missing this file: srclibs/cpython.yml · master · F-Droid / Data · GitLab ?

I’ve it in:


Updated recipe, this builds fine: metadata/com.gitlab.uak.myapp.yml

  - Money
License: GPL-3.0-or-later

RepoType: git

  - versionName: '1.2'
    versionCode: 1021102
    commit: 32ce507c387b9118fbcc82e1b346e0e5821e959f
    subdir: src
      - apt-get update || apt-get update
      - apt-get install -y build-essential libffi-dev libltdl-dev python2.7 zlib1g-dev
      - rm /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3m
    output: bin/myapp-*-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk
      - cpython@v3.8.10
      - buildozer@1.3.0
      - sed -r "s:#?android.sdk_path =.*:android.sdk_path = $$SDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.ndk_path =.*:android.ndk_path = $$NDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.accept_sdk_license =.*:android.accept_sdk_license = False:"
        -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -i -e 's/# android.release_artifact = aab/android.release_artifact = apk/'
      - pushd $$cpython$$
      - mkdir -p /tmp/cpython
      - ./configure --prefix=/tmp/cpython --enable-optimizations
      - make -j`nproc`
      - make install
      - popd
      - export PATH=/tmp/cpython/bin:$PATH
      - pip3 install --user --upgrade $$buildozer$$ Cython
      - PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" buildozer android release
    ndk: r19c

AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: None
CurrentVersion: '1.2'
CurrentVersionCode: 1021102

…notice the fourth sed? See here: Files · main · uak / Mobile Paper Wallet · GitLab

Also the filename is the appID, is that what you want it to be with .app at the end? Change it here: Files · main · uak / Mobile Paper Wallet · GitLab

VT has one positive for malware? VirusTotal

App name is “My Application”? Fix it here: Files · main · uak / Mobile Paper Wallet · GitLab

Anyway, the app looks barebone, I guess you still need to work on it. :+1:

Can you test the APK for correctness, maybe it’s ok for you and it compiled bad for me? (sha256: 8fb2740dcfe714fd04af7e1a2a09378f4b03ea2f60a0a5e935c673280c661804)

Thank you for the notes.
I see the fourth sed instruct to produce apk instead of abb.

Regarding naming, I wanted to test the app build before I put a proper name.

Regarding Virus Total, apparently this MaxSecure has issues with false positives, see here and here. However I’m planing to contact them once I’m able to build my app.

The app GUI is very simple and it’s my first one so I might just keep it this way till I become more experienced with Kivy.

The link to APK file is not available for download. It just says not found.

Regarding me building the app. here is the full log of my actions and I’m still getting cython error:

user@ubuntu:~$ git clone --depth=1 ~/fdroiddata
Cloning into '/home/user/fdroiddata'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 95108, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (95108/95108), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (24155/24155), done.
remote: Total 95108 (delta 740), reused 89596 (delta 473), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (95108/95108), 41.36 MiB | 3.74 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (740/740), done.
Updating files: 100% (55695/55695), done.
user@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/fdroiddata
user@ubuntu:~/fdroiddata$ git checkout -b com.gitlab.uak.myapp
Switched to a new branch 'com.gitlab.uak.myapp'
user@ubuntu:~/fdroiddata$ cp templates/app-full metadata/com.gitlab.uak.myapp.yml
user@ubuntu:~/fdroiddata$ geany metadata/com.gitlab.uak.myapp.yml
user@ubuntu:~/fdroiddata$ git clone --depth=1 ~/fdroidserver^C
user@ubuntu:~/fdroiddata$ cd
user@ubuntu:~$ git clone --depth=1 ~/fdroidserver
Cloning into '/home/user/fdroidserver'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 844, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (844/844), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (443/443), done.
remote: Total 844 (delta 169), reused 742 (delta 151), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (844/844), 6.99 MiB | 3.73 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (169/169), done.
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo sh -c 'apt-get update &&apt-get install -y'
[sudo] password for user: 
Get:1  InRelease [1.553 B]
Hit:2 all InRelease                                                                 
Get:3 default InRelease [2.892 B]       
Err:2 all InRelease
  The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 18DF3741CDFFDE29 philandro Software GmbH <>
Get:4 default/main amd64 Packages [958 B]
Hit:5 focal InRelease
Get:6 focal-updates InRelease [114 kB]
Get:7 focal-backports InRelease [108 kB]
Get:8 focal-security InRelease [114 kB]
Get:9 focal-updates/main amd64 Packages [1.874 kB]
Get:10 focal-updates/main i386 Packages [670 kB]
Get:11 focal-updates/main Translation-en [343 kB]
Get:12 focal-updates/main amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [278 kB]
Get:13 focal-updates/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [15,6 kB]
Get:14 focal-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [1.041 kB]
Get:15 focal-updates/restricted i386 Packages [24,3 kB]                                               
Get:16 focal-updates/restricted Translation-en [148 kB]                                               
Get:17 focal-updates/restricted amd64 c-n-f Metadata [524 B]                                          
Get:18 focal-updates/universe i386 Packages [681 kB]                                                  
Get:19 focal-updates/universe amd64 Packages [927 kB]                                                 
Get:20 focal-updates/universe Translation-en [208 kB]                                                 
Get:21 focal-updates/universe amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [391 kB]                                          
Get:22 focal-updates/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [20,8 kB]                                          
Get:23 focal-updates/multiverse amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [944 B]                                         
Get:24 focal-backports/main amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [7.992 B]                                           
Get:25 focal-backports/universe i386 Packages [13,2 kB]                                               
Get:26 focal-backports/universe amd64 Packages [23,7 kB]                                              
Get:27 focal-backports/universe amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [30,5 kB]                                       
Get:28 focal-backports/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [860 B]                                          
Get:29 focal-security/main amd64 Packages [1.493 kB]                                                  
Get:30 focal-security/main i386 Packages [444 kB]                                                     
Get:31 focal-security/main Translation-en [258 kB]                                                    
Get:32 focal-security/main amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [40,7 kB]                                            
Get:33 focal-security/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [10,6 kB]                                             
Get:34 focal-security/restricted amd64 Packages [948 kB]                                              
Get:35 focal-security/restricted i386 Packages [23,0 kB]                                              
Get:36 focal-security/restricted amd64 c-n-f Metadata [524 B]                                         
Get:37 focal-security/universe i386 Packages [552 kB]                                                 
Get:38 focal-security/universe amd64 Packages [706 kB]                                                
Get:39 focal-security/universe Translation-en [126 kB]                                                
Get:40 focal-security/universe amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [66,2 kB]                                        
Get:41 focal-security/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [14,5 kB]                                         
Get:42 focal-security/multiverse amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [2.464 B]                                      
Fetched 11,7 MB in 11s (1.116 kB/s)                                                                                                  
Reading package lists... Done
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: all InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 18DF3741CDFFDE29 philandro Software GmbH <>
W: Failed to fetch  The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 18DF3741CDFFDE29 philandro Software GmbH <>
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done is already the newest version (20.10.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1).
The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove it.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 21 not upgraded.
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo docker run --rm -itu vagrant --entrypoint /bin/bash \
>   -v ~/fdroiddata:/build:z \
>   -v ~/fdroidserver:/home/vagrant/fdroidserver:Z \
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/$ . /etc/profile
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/$ export PATH="$fdroidserver:$PATH" PYTHONPATH="$fdroidserver"
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/$ cd /build
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/build$ fdroid readmeta
2022-06-08 20:26:48,611 WARNING: apksigner not found! Cannot sign or verify modern APKs
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/build$ fdroid rewritemeta com.gitlab.uak.myapp
2022-06-08 20:28:13,764 WARNING: apksigner not found! Cannot sign or verify modern APKs
2022-06-08 20:28:13,854 INFO: Rewriting 'com.gitlab.uak.myapp'
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/build$ fdroid checkupdates --allow-dirty com.gitlab.uak.myapp
2022-06-08 20:28:29,385 WARNING: apksigner not found! Cannot sign or verify modern APKs
2022-06-08 20:28:42,742 INFO: Processing com.gitlab.uak.myapp
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/build$ fdroid lint com.gitlab.uak.myapp
2022-06-08 20:29:06,711 WARNING: apksigner not found! Cannot sign or verify modern APKs
vagrant@88b53ad4c526:/build$ fdroid build --on-server com.gitlab.uak.myapp
2022-06-08 20:29:19,707 WARNING: apksigner not found! Cannot sign or verify modern APKs
2022-06-08 20:29:19,707 INFO: Creating log directory
2022-06-08 20:29:19,707 INFO: Creating output directory
2022-06-08 20:29:20,003 INFO: Using git version 2.11.0
2022-06-08 20:29:20,003 INFO: Building version 1.2 (1021102) of com.gitlab.uak.myapp
2022-06-08 20:29:20,003 WARNING: Android NDK version 'r19c' could not be found!
2022-06-08 20:29:20,004 WARNING: Configured versions:
2022-06-08 20:29:20,005 INFO: Downloading
2022-06-08 20:32:53,864 INFO: Unzipping to /opt/android-sdk/ndk
2022-06-08 20:33:14,457 INFO: Set NDK r19c (19.2.5345600) up
2022-06-08 20:33:14,464 INFO: Running 'sudo' commands in /build
2022-06-08 20:33:57,468 INFO: Getting source for revision 32ce507c387b9118fbcc82e1b346e0e5821e959f
2022-06-08 20:34:00,091 INFO: Collecting source libraries
2022-06-08 20:34:00,092 INFO: Creating file at build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/
2022-06-08 20:34:00,092 INFO: Creating file at build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src/
2022-06-08 20:34:00,099 INFO: Running 'prebuild' commands in build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src
2022-06-08 20:34:00,311 INFO: Scanning source for common problems...
2022-06-08 20:34:00,317 INFO: Creating source tarball...
2022-06-08 20:34:00,381 INFO: Running 'build' commands in build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src
2022-06-08 20:34:00,585 ERROR: Could not build app com.gitlab.uak.myapp: Error running build command for com.gitlab.uak.myapp:1.2
==== detail begin ====
+ pushd /build/build/srclib/cpython
bash: line 0: pushd: /build/build/srclib/cpython: No such file or directory
==== detail end ====

Just checked on a freshly created VPS, I get the same error with build directory.

Can you run fdroid build --verbose com.gitlab.uak.myapp instead?

Drop the on-server thing:

That’s great but the app looks very incomplete at the moment

Indeed the build is not functional, I’ve upgraded the readme file with screenshots.

Seems like it’s failing to create the images

 I python  :  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'media/address.png'

I’ll investigate this further. My debug builds seems to work fine.

User doesn’t need to have an active internet connection on their mobile.

Then remove the permisssion here: Files · main · uak / Mobile Paper Wallet · GitLab ?

But they need it to check the balance before they go to the store. Maybe I should specify that. I know this could be used to generate wallets to store a fortune and with it comes risks but that was not the intention of the app.

:slight_smile: it was just a mention, based on your description. Of course if it’s needed do keep it

1 Like

Thank you @Licaon_Kter the build is working now :slight_smile:
Really appreciate your help. Maybe that --on-server flag should be removed from that doc?

[DEBUG]:   	25 actionable tasks: 25 executed

[INFO]:    <- directory context /build/build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Of the existing distributions, the following meet the given requirements:
[INFO]:         myapp: min API 21, includes recipes (hostpython3, libffi, openssl, sdl2_image, sdl2_mixer, sdl2_ttf, sqlite3, python3, sdl2, setuptools, six, pyjnius, android, kivy, arabic-reshaper, bitcoinaddress, python-bidi, requests, certifi, charset-normalizer, idna, pypng, ecashaddress, urllib3, ecdsa, base58, docutils, kivy-garden, pygments, pyqrcode), built for archs (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a)
[INFO]:    myapp has compatible recipes, using this one
[INFO]:    # Copying android package to current directory
[INFO]:    # Android package filename not found in build output. Guessing...
[INFO]:    # Found android package file: /build/build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/dists/myapp/build/outputs/apk/release/myapp-release-unsigned.apk
[INFO]:    # Add version number to android package
[INFO]:    # Android package renamed to myapp-release-unsigned-1.2-.apk
stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
[DEBUG]:   -> running cp /build/build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/dists/myapp/build/outputs/apk/release/myapp-release-unsigned.apk myapp-release-unsigned-1.2-.apk
WARNING: Received a --sdk argument, but this argument is deprecated and does nothing.
No used, copying full private data into .apk.
Applying Java source code patches...
Applying patch: src/patches/
# Android packaging done!
# APK myapp-1.2-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk available in the bin directory
2022-06-09 15:30:34,314 DEBUG: Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=/build/build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp, universal_newlines=False, shell=None)
2022-06-09 15:30:34,318 INFO: Successfully built version 1.2 of com.gitlab.uak.myapp from 32ce507c387b9118fbcc82e1b346e0e5821e959f
2022-06-09 15:30:34,478 DEBUG: AXML contains a RESOURCE MAP
2022-06-09 15:30:34,479 DEBUG: Start of Namespace mapping: prefix 25: 'android' --> uri 33: ''
2022-06-09 15:30:34,479 DEBUG: Checking build/com.gitlab.uak.myapp/src/bin/myapp-1.2-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk
2022-06-09 15:30:34,480 DEBUG: AXML contains a RESOURCE MAP
2022-06-09 15:30:34,480 DEBUG: Start of Namespace mapping: prefix 25: 'android' --> uri 33: ''
2022-06-09 15:30:34,515 INFO: success: com.gitlab.uak.myapp
2022-06-09 15:30:34,516 INFO: Finished
2022-06-09 15:30:34,516 INFO: 1 build succeeded
2022-06-09 15:30:34,517 DEBUG: skip deploying full build logs: not enabled in config

I’m still having the issue with QRcodes not being generated but I guess that is outside the scope of this thread.

My successful build instructions is:

  - Money
License: GPL-3.0-or-later

RepoType: git

  - versionName: '1.2'
    versionCode: 1021102
    commit: 32ce507c387b9118fbcc82e1b346e0e5821e959f
    subdir: src
      - apt-get update || apt-get update
      - apt-get install -y build-essential libffi-dev libltdl-dev zlib1g-dev
    output: bin/myapp-*-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk
      - cpython@v3.8.10
      - buildozer@1.3.0
      - sed -r "s:#?android.sdk_path =.*:android.sdk_path = $$SDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.ndk_path =.*:android.ndk_path = $$NDK$$:" -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -r "s:#?android.accept_sdk_license =.*:android.accept_sdk_license = False:"
        -i buildozer.spec
      - sed -i -e 's/# android.release_artifact = aab/android.release_artifact = apk/'
      - pushd $$cpython$$
      - mkdir -p /tmp/cpython
      - ./configure --prefix=/tmp/cpython --enable-optimizations
      - make -j`nproc`
      - make install
      - popd
      - export PATH=/tmp/cpython/bin:$PATH
      - pip3 install --user --upgrade $$buildozer$$ Cython
      - PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" buildozer android release
    ndk: r19c

AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: None
CurrentVersion: '1.2'
CurrentVersionCode: 1021102

But noticed that for some I had to login to the container and run apt update and install libffi-dev and libltdl-dev manually for it to work.

Really appreciate your help. Maybe that --on-server flag should be removed from that doc?


But noticed that for some I had to login to the container and run apt update and install libffi-dev and libltdl-dev manually for it to work.

Works fine here on a build server, not sure why the docket thing behaves differently