Transito: Offline Public Transit App

Hi all,

I’m seeking feedback for my offline public transit app which I’ve recently added to F-Droid.

The app is named Transito and it allows you to download open public transit (GTFS) data (~1500 feeds are available), check departure schedules, and calculate routes offline (on the device itself) based on this data. The current UX is a 2 step-process overall: first you load a GTFS feed; and then after the GTFS feed is loaded, you can check schedules / stop departure times, calculate routes, etc.

Many metros are supported as there are a large amount of publicly available GTFS feeds globally. A few tested metros include: NYC (feed ID 516), Prague (feed ID 767), Bourges (feed ID 1898), and Krakow (feed ID 1270). Some feeds may have problems (e.g. those with very large data or which have some edgecase which I hope you will report) but for the most part things should ‘just work’ - feel free to flag feeds with problems on the ticket tracker.

Long-term I want the app to be competitive with Google Maps et. al for the purposes of public transit planning with a focus on the offline usecase & privacy (e.g. in that routes are calculated on-phone as opposed to on a remote server).

I’m making this post to mainly make F-Droid users aware of the app & also to gauge feedback on the most relevant features to work on next - so let me know what you think is missing. Feel free to leave feedback here or on the ticket tracker. I’m very open to general feedback and potential contributions if you have some idea for improvement.

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Thanks and welcome; I’ve tried the beta versions since they were listed on F-Droid. Looks very useful particularly for international travel.

The folks at Privacy Guides are discussing adding a page there on GPS navigational tools, you might want to suggest Transito if you feel it’s ready as it’s a good complement to Organic Maps.

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