The best text-to-speech program

Hello everyone.

Please recommend a good text-to-speech program.

I would like to dictate text into the phone microphone that would be transformed into text.

I once had a similar experience with such a program, but when I saw how it ruined my text that I pronounced, I laughed for a long time, since you had to try really hard to ruin it like that))

Text to speech means that IT reads it for you, like eSpeak or RHVoice

“Dictate via microphone” means “speech TO text”

What do you want?

Thanks for the answer.

I would like to speak into the phone microphone so that the application transforms what I say into text. And it would be as high-quality as possible today.

i would suggest sayboard . it works like its own separate keyboard. i enjoy it very much.

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thanks for the recommendation, I saw this program but didn’t understand how to install it, because on two different phones I got an error during installation and it’s not clear whether it’s enough to download only this program or if I need to download something else additionally…

If you know how it works, please write what the algorithm of action is, I would try it…

isn’t that speech recnognition only, not text-to-speech?

oops, ignore. im sleep deprived and did not see that it was a misunderstanding

what error? that’s very vague

Dicio has good built-in speech-to-text feature, but it’s not the main purpose of this app.