Testing version of application

I’m the developer of PasseGares, and my application is updated when I add a tag on my git repository. But, now, all versions tagged will be proposed to update for any people with f-droid and the application installed. I should to create tested version for my application, available on f-droid, but not automatic updated on f-droid. It is possible ?


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Yes, this is possible. However, its a manual process where you have to
submit merge requests against your apps metadata file in our data repo
at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/.

  1. Add a regex to Update Check Mode:Tags so it only uses releases.

  2. Add a new build information for your “beta” builds. Just copy them
    from the last build and update version code, version name and

  3. If you plan to make more than 3 beta releases, make sure to set an
    Archive Policy: to more than 3 – this determines how many builds
    we keep before moving to the archive. Betas should not overflow this
    value, so the last release is always available in mainline.

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