Telegram open source

Hi everyone, I’m newbee here and I want to ask some question. As I heard, Telegram in F-droid and Telegram in Google play have a different code. Also, as I remember, devs of original GP app don’t share source code at the time of realse of new version. Can someone help and tell me more about it. :cry

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They usually do share it, they don’t prioritize it so it’s updated at random.

Eg. we have 5.11 but 5.13 was released earlier, so it takes a few days for the FOSS fork contribs to update/clean/etc.


Finally, telegram android app repository becomes a standard open source project repository. Moreover, starting from latest release v5.13, telegram supports reproducible builds.

@erotavlas, you’ve repeated that because? Also it won’t be reproducible in F-Droid

Can you tell me what I repeated? No it is not reproducible in f-droid since it does contains proprietary code. However, now the official mobile applications both android and iOS have reproducible builds and the android repository is continuously updated so now is a job for telegram FOSS.

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