suspicion of malware

Hello F-Droid community.

I am afraid that malware has entered my smartphone:

At the top of the status bar came today the infos that there are updates for f-Droid and some apps from simplemobiletools. Have agreed to the updates via the status bar.
The update for f-droid failed.
So I wanted to try the update again in the f-d app.
I noticed the following things:

a) all images of the offered apps are not displayed.

b) the last update of f-d was, according to the homepage and the installed app, on 1.3.23 V1.16.1.
Instead of 21.3.23.

C) my apps from simplemobiletools were, according to the f-d app, already updated a few days ago.
Instead of 21.3.23.

Does anyone have an explanation for this?

Thanks in advance!


Device: realme C11 2021
OS: Android 11
no root rights

There’s no issue there.

Updating from the notification might fail.

Pics for the dates issues?

I had those same updates yesterday. They all installed and worked perfectly well on my Android 11.

Maybe you use weird repos! :ghost:

Don’t think anything wrong but still you can so you have a peace of mind.
You can monitor your smartphone behavior with wireshirk to analyze smartphone traffic you need a linux system for that.
Else if you have a router running pfsense or opnsense or openwrt you can use tcp dump or maybe use nextdns as doh to look into your quarry.

Or Netguard (it’s in F-Droid :)), no PC needed

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Or via Termux and some packages :slight_smile:

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