tagging bascially all app as NonFreeNet does not help. Everyone will just ignore that tag
I agree it is a possibility. OTOH, it is an honest reminder of the truth.
Maybe a new tag like NonFreeDevelopment is better.
Similar tags like NonFreeDonation, NonFreeWebsite, and NonFreeEmail could also be used, as fits each app, where applicable.
Users would be free to Un/Check them in “Include anti-feature apps” in F-Droid app settings. It would help us add to this list, or eliminate the need for it: Known F/LOSS Development of F-Droid Apps
Maybe positive tags are even better: FreeDevelopment, FreeDonation, FreeWebsite, FreeEmail. Anti-feature filter could change to feature and anti-feature filter.
The dev can provide support on GitHub, GMail or Twitter, which does not hurt your freedom to use/learn/share/modify/distribute the app.
Using Github or Twitter, or sending email to Gmail DOES hurt me, as much as being forced to use non-free Zoom to participate in some activity I otherwise wish to hurts me. My choice is to participate using systems I do not want to use, or to not participate. IMO, this is a hurtful choice.
In F-Droid app, Links section for every app, the list does not warn me or show me what kind of site I will go to when I click on links to get more info’. “Source Code” does not link to the F-Droid source tarball; it links to the development site. Sure, I can get the tarball from F-Droid website, but the F-Droid app encourages me to click links to non-free sites, and use those sites. It hurts every time it is a non-free site.
IMO, by having SO MANY such links to non-free sites, without warnings, F-Droid app promotes Non-Free services.
Because nearly all apps in F-Droid are developed or distributed from non-free systems, F-Droid app is nearly entirely dependent on Non-Free services.
It is only fair to hold F-Droid app to at least as high a standard as for other apps, and tag at least F-Droid app honestly.