Some UI issues with F-Droid 1.0

Fastlane full-description.txt incorrectly parsed?

In the latest round of updates F-Droid picked up the fastlane files I’d added to my app:

I copied the text from the description in the fdroiddata repo and put it in the suitable fastlane file

It used to be rendered OK in F-Droid but now looks like:

as you can see, all newlines have been stripped from the text which makes it completely unreadable.

Is this a bug with the fastlane description parsing or can I update the file to prevent this?

Icon not shown?

As you can also see in the image above, F-Droid fails to show the icon for my app. F-Droid showed the icon correctly before going 1.0. Note that the icon failed to display once F-Droid went 1.0 and before I added the fastlane files.

I can see the icon fine in 1.0.1.

The text bug is this: support displaying basic HTML in app descriptions in App Details (#1000) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab ?

It could be related but not all apps have mangled text so it seems to be specific the text parsed from Fastlane resources. The text parsed from frdoiddata is still displayed in a reasonable way.

Here’s an issue which describes the problem: Line breaks are stripped from Fastlane descriptions (#1114) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab

I’ve made some MRs to address the problem: