Ok so in the hopes of actually helping with that, another round:
15.05’22 18:00 CEST, some interesting stuff to see this time.
“Dauer” column stands for “Duration”, so full request duration.
First the new solution h4x.at
Disabled cache, first hit
Notably some of the fastlane images are served via http and not https and biggest part of them are served over f-droid, not h4x.at. Everything coming from h4x.at does get delivered very fast.
F-droid itself, for a baseline
Disabled cache, first hit
As expected initial request takes 9 seconds, everything else varies a lot.
Now for cloud flare, where it’s getting interesting:
Disabled cache, first hit
1,6minutes for the first hit itself! (Certainly cold cache waiting for f-droid)
Nearly all fastlane images are 404, though not if you directly browse the URLs.
Example URL 404:
Let’s reload cloud flare to see the cache in effect
Disabled cache, second hit
Stuff that doesn’t 404 is mostly fast. Some stuff seems to not get cached, marked by firefox with a turtle (and also the “Dauer” column).
And for completeness another cloudflare request, with caches.