Should externally available (and partially non-free) resources result an anti-feature?


I have one question: I do have one of my applications that requires an externally provided resources (the application itself does NOT has any resources at the repository and resulted builds are FLOSS, all dependencies [except of Android SDK and NDK] are FOSS and built from the source code in a place). However, to play the game, need to separately download a pack of resources, but, currently available resources packs are partially non-free and there are works to provide a fully libre alternative resource pack for that game engine.

Anyway, application itself does NOT downloads any stuff at all, it doesn’t ever use network yet (however, there are plans to implement a support of netplay using self-running/self-hosting servers in the future). Resource packages for the game should be downloaded by user from the official site of the project. User can download multiple of them and play each “game” (one individual directory of the resource package) independently using the same application.

So, I have a question, should I add the “non-free resources” anti-feature in this case?

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NonFreeAdd for the non-free data :slight_smile:


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Some months ago I asked the question here: Should externally available (and partially non-free) resources result an anti-feature?

And recently I found that description for this auti-feature is a bit incorrect, or at least, its Russian translation (I checked right now English version, and I see it uses generic non-free term. Russian uses “closed-source additions” term). I think, I should clarify this via WebLate…

In my case, additions (game assets packs) for TheXTech are impossible to be closed-source as they work in a plain open-source form and can be alternated in any way. The only reason why they are non-free because of their license - they were originally made by community without care about proper licensing, and a lot of copyrighted materials (sprites, sound effects and music taken/adjusted from commercial games) were used. So, their license is basically non-commercial use only, and in addition, they give some legal risks at some countries like USA.

EDIT: Just now I found that at Weblate the correct term now used, but seems the site has outdatet and incorrect variant…

EDIT2: However, I sent suggestions to some other items at WebLate.

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So… NonFree… what’s the issue then?

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The issue that on current version of Russian translation of Website I saw the “closed source” mention, and seems, translation is outdated Это приложение популяризует дополнения с закрытым исходным кодом (as I found at WebLate the new variant is applied). English and Deutsch translations are correct. Actually, my new post was about translation/description of anti-feature than about the anti-feature itself.

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You can update the translation on Weblate and wait for a new website build, you can ask any questions related to translation in its room

Translators can coordinate via the special IRC channel #fdroid-translators on OFTC, room on Matrix, / bridges for XMPP or by clicking this link for Telegram


I forgot to say, I already sent to Weblate anything I wanted, and I just found some strings already fixed on Weblate site, but they remain invalid on mainstream website.

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