Setting up repositories

Hello. Tell me why when you turn off all the repositories - and turn on 1 repository (your own).

Applications are displayed from the built-in repository (which is not turned off from the F-Droid client settings)

Is it possible to leave only your repository? And display applications only from it?

So you’ve turned off all repositories but your own and you see more apps still? try to restart F-Droid maybe

I have overloaded many times. When 1 repository is enabled and when all are disabled - Displays many applications.

P.S. I’m testing on Android TV :slight_smile:

From which repository are those?


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TV - This is my repository (on Repomaker) there are 5 test applications

You could try:

Settings, Apps, F-Droid, Force Stop; Storage, Clear Cache. Start F-Droid, swipe down for refresh. Install app.

If that doesn’t work, repeat above, plus
2nd time also Clear Data. Start F-Droid, choose repos, swipe down for refresh. Install app.

If that doesn’t work, repeat above, except restart phone before starting F-Droid.


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This is F-Droid 1.14?

Can you try to force a refresh? It might be a known issue on TVs (see forum thread)

Eg. Change device language to some other then change back, it should trigger an update.

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