Thank you once again, Mr. Licaon_Kter, for your reply.
Osmand~ is a huge app. 133.3 MB! Simply huge just for 3 coordinates (lat, long, alt).
Open Street Map Mapviewer however is 13.3 MB, so reasonable.
But in my Linux system I don’t require to install Google maps. I use my web-browser to study the data in the map.
I still am tied more to my laptop. Smartphone I use seldom, that too, only when I require to address certain needs that my laptop can’t fulfill. Like BhimUPI, Rapido, Location, phone calls, clicking rudimentary pics, SMS and other messaging apps.
I took a look at the tracks recorded by one of my apps
While not really documented, the recorded *.gpx file does include elevation data for each trackpoint. At only 4MB, it is much lighter than OSMAnd.
No need for Google Maps. AAT can display a map tile beneath your tracks, getting tile data from
I will immediately take a look at your app.
One suggestion: You need a copywriter to design your app name better so that it becomes highly conspicuous in this Rothschild-DeepState created zero-sum ecosystem where even the air you breathe is sought to be billed.
" Another Activity Tracker"? Not helpful. OwnTrackLatLongAltGPS could be better. Please own it before it is taken by someone else.
And your package doesn’t get attention?! Possible only when the world is inundated with information so that seeking specific info becomes impossible.
Thank you, Mr. Freecycler for your reaching out to users like us. Much appreciated.
I installed the app and checked. I didn’t find the altitude data in the Map view (You may consider including it there). The Lat,Long data is ok. Almost reflects the Google Map Positioning, though I don’t intend to mean that Google Map is authentic. I used it only as a reference to verify.
I checked the documentation file available within the app at AAT/doc/ at master · bailuk/AAT · GitHub
I will proceed to peruse and understand the documentation file.
I will like to get in touch with you over email. Please feel free to advise me.
I assume that you encourage interactions via feedback.
Whoops, I didn’t mean “my app” as in, I didn’t write it, but rather as, the apps I have installed. All credit/suggestions should go to the actual author, Lukas Bai. He does respond to github issues. Or, the F-droid page for the app lists an email contact for him, I have not tried that.
That might depend on what options you set, not sure if it will always be displayed. But if you view the *.gpx file itself in some text file editor, it will be there. If you set up the app to store the tracks in some folder that you can read without needing root, then some other app could be used to view the file as ascii text.
No issues. I already have sent an email to Mr. Lukas Bai. Let’s see if he responds to my email.
I requested him:
I checked the documentation file available within the app at (link posted earlier).
The documentation file talks about Track List and tracks. But would it
be possible to note a single point GPS with altitude from within the
app and not a track of movement?
So all that remains from my end is to wait for his response.
On the map view the app only displays Lat,Long. But not Z. So it would be nice to have the Z included too.
I would then uninstall the earlier app from Google AppStore.
In the meanwhile, I found some apps in the F-Droid repo itself using an external search engine and identified a few apps, GPSLogger, GPS Logger by BasicAirData (was displayed in F-Droid site earlier when accessed from laptop, but not presently; it is still displayed in the F-Droid App installer on my Android smartphone)GPS Cockpit, Here GPS Location and such.
Some were reported by my smartphone’s Android system to be insecure/outdated (very old).
Ultimately, I was able to install GPS Logger by BasicAirData and it works reasonably well.
So I have removed the native Android GPS logger, GPS Coordinates & Information: EXA Tools, and AAT as well. Mr Bai hasn’t responded yet.
Thank you all, especially Mr. freecycler, for your support.