ScummVM back to repo

Hi! I see the issue with 1.7.0. Could you please try the new 1.9.0 ? As the current version is really useless on latest Androids (simply doesn’t work)

Hi! Will there be any further attempts to update ScummVM in the f-droid repo to the current version (1.9.0), or is this not possible for some reason?

I opened an issue. You can take a look at GitLab.

Let the admins decide about it :slight_smile:

Hey, thanks, man! :slight_smile:


in the f-droid repository there is “ScummVM”, but in a very outdated version (last update was 2013(!)-10-29; version 1.5.0).

There is a much newer version of ScummVM for android; e.g. in the Google Play Store: Last update 2023-12-30, Version 2.8.0.

And upstream is at version 2.8.1, released 2024-04-23.

It also got considerable usability improvements.

Why is the f-droid version not been updated?

I hereby request that it continues to be updated ;-).


I hereby wait for your merge request that updates the metadata…



Oh… well…

Who is responsible for it?

I cannot do it, I do know nothing about compiling an Android (it is a platform that repels me away admin-wise), and it is also beyond my git knowledge to do merge requests.

Is it an issue that should be adressed to the ScummVM developers directly?


No one is responsible for it. If no one update it, then it won’t be updated. I did try to update it last year but I found it’s to complicate. We have many packages to maintain and so we can’t spend too much time on it. It would be better if you can find someone who is familiar with building this package and would like to spend time on it.


If f-droid does not provide up to date builds, I think it should be moved from the f-droid repo to the f-droid archive repo.

Then the point on “requesting” building up to date version vanished, because then it is clear that f-droid does not maintain it.

As long it is in the main repository there is the impression that f-droid maintains the package, and users are tempted to install outdated packages.

As I understand the matter, and I am ready to be corrected if I am wrong, the onus is entirely on the author or developer of each application to provide F-droid with updated versions. F-droid has no obligation to prompt him. If the author fails to provide updates, users should contact him not F-droid.

Does this also hold true for the decision if a package is moved to the Archive?

Has f-droid no competence to clean up orphaned packages by itself?

No one has onus to maintain the package. Most packages are updated automatically. But if a package is not updated for some reasons, then someone needs to update it manually. If no one is willing to update it then it’s not updated. As am F-Droid contributor I’d like to keep more packages up-to-date but ScummVM is so difficult to build that I don’t have enough time to update it.

As long as it still works we generally keep it in main repo.


you, me, linsui, the world, that’s how FOSS works :slight_smile:

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So, then can you at least add a bold text at the beginning like “This is a very outdated version of this app. Up to date versions are available not via f-droid” or so, to inform/ warn users?


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