Screenshots don't show up in client using gradle-play-publisher

I use the Triple-T gradle-play-publisher layout to add screenshots and other metadata to the Zapp repository. The apps descriptions, whatsnew info and even the feature graphic does show up as expected for my tagged releases. The screenshots however do not.

Is there a tool I can use to check my metadata before releasing (that would be awesome!)? And has anyone a hint on what I did wrong and how I can fix it?

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I have the same problem with Privacy Browser.

In my case, I have included the screenshots using the Fastlane format (I don’t not use Fastlane, I just populated the directories they use). I reported a bug on GitLab:

The app StreetComplete has the same or a similar issue. Nothing is showing up there. Using a Triple-T-like directory structure. See

We haven’t found a gradle parser for Python, and running gradle itself to parse project files is far too slow. So currently fdroid update cannot parse the gradle settings to find out the location of the Triple-T files. Currently only the most standard location is checked: app/src/main/play. Fastlane makes this easier since there is only two standard locations.

I see the problem in implementing this, but Zapp uses the most standard android layout and the metadata files are stored at app/src/main/play. I would really like to debug this problem but without any tool to help me I’m lost.

Can you point me to the code which is looking for the screenshots and other metadata? Maybe I can spot my mistake (or a mistake in the documentation).

Thank you! I’ll take a look as soon as I have some spare time.

Okay, I tried to debug the problem but without success. The screenshots are not showing up inside the index-v1 json file.Other localized data like the feature graphic is listed correctly (which explains why it is displayed correctly inside the client).

The server side code looks fine to me, but I cannot test it, so I’m not absolutely sure. One last step I’ll try is renaming the screenshots without underscores. If this does not work I’ll have to drop this issue :frowning:

any luck with this? I’d love to incorporate any fixes

@hans, please check my 2 commits for the client :pig:

I found a fix for the Triple-T layout for the screenshots, that’ll be in an upcoming merge request

Follow the fixes here: 1.0 fixes (!353) · Merge requests · F-Droid / fdroidserver · GitLab

@hans, nice, I’m looking forward to the fix!

I didn’t investigate further because I didn’t release anything the last few weeks and I can’t update the metadata without making a release. That is what makes the issue so hard to debug.

The screenshots now show up correctly without any changes on my part! Thanks everyone for your help :blush: