I’m not a pro with your apps or your anacronyms and I’m looking for some help. I tried to install Saver Tuner but the initial step shows a code of sorts that’s has to go somewhere in order to complete install/setup. I have no idea what to do with it or where it goes.
You mean WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS. This can be granted by connecting to the phone via ADB. Then going into ADB shell command and writing this out for the app package name. From the source code details:
Note that this app requires the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission that can be granted with EITHER a PC using ADB or root. Root is NOT required for this app, it is optional. Android 8.0+ is supported, with more features enabled on Android 10+.
The command to grant the permission is:
adb shell pm grant s1m.savertuner android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
Uninstalling the app will not reset the battery saver configuration. You must set the Default profile to undo all changes before uninstalling.