RSS feed for F-Droid news

It would be great to have an RSS feed for the F-Droid news. Would this be possible?

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Thank you very much for the quick answer and the link :slight_smile:
But one question - just for better understanding that I didn’t find it myself: Where is the link to that feed on

I use Firefox so here it comes:

Guess other browsers work it in similar ways

That’s a very good tip! Thank you.
But wouldn’t it be better to have an link to the RSS feed on the homepage in the news panel, too? Then it would be much easier to find it if you don’t have a browser with the news feed site info feature or if don’t know about it.


1st, RSS isn’t a natural format for browsers. So you usually don’t see direct RSS links on pages.

2nd, advanced RSS users know that usually the link is “hidden” on the news/blog pages. Right there, you know where.

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I understand your point that RSS isn’t a natural format for browsers and it is good to have an RSS link “hidden” on the news/blog page. But my problem is that I think the RSS link should be visible/accessible for smartphone users, too, and at least with Fennec Fdroid I didn’t manage to access this kind of link. Another point is, that there are also not advanced RSS users who don’t know how to access hidden RSS links. Also, on every other page which RSS links I’m using there is a link. Examples (sorry, not in English :-/ ):

Thanks, good info on ‘hidden rss’.

It is very sad that browser builders have collectively turned their backs on RSS. Even Mozilla.

In the past, that hidden information would cause the browser to show you a RSS button.

Anyway, as browser builders have abandoned us, it’s time to adapt. I have an experimental feed link in the latest twif, so let me know how you like it. Ideally this should be added to our templates instead, so it will be visible on all pages. If you have any ideas on where it should be, let us know. I’m a coder, not a designer.

Tried ?

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