Reviews feature for F-Droid

Please add reviews feature in F-droid

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Yes, please implement User Review ratings and comments ASAP. User reviews are very helpful to both developers and other users.

Could this be merged into Discussion thread for each app in F-droid? this, or vice versa?

I really needs to send feedback to developers, it’s the only thing I can do for them.
I also really need to read users review.
Please, what is the problem?

Let’s not be like Google Play or other systems with too-easy review system so we get dozens of completely unhelpful “it didn’t work for me” 1 star reviews rather than detailed bug reports.


On f-droid for each app you find links to the source code and issues through which you can give feedback to the developers.Honestly, I have never found user reviews particularly useful, and I think it is best, to get an idea, to install the apps and try them out, even briefly, in person.