Hi everyone,
I’m trying to create a merge request for my application, which has source code on GitHub and is already available on PlayStore. I use the app signing process to build the release APK, by putting app bundle on the Play console and retrieving the APK from the console, then I distribute this APK as the official release on GitHub.
I tried to configure my yaml file to distribute this same APK using F-Droid, but when I launch the “fdroid build” command, it seems that this version is not reproductible, and when investigating, I noticed that the PlayStore version added metadata in the AndroidManifest.xml file, some resources files, dex files are differents…
I tried a few things to make the build reproductible without success. Is it even possible to distribute the same APK on the Play Store and F-Droid or should I stick to a version with a different signature ? Removing links to the existing binaries seems to work fine.
Thanks in advance