Reproductible build for apps signed using PlayStore App Signing

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a merge request for my application, which has source code on GitHub and is already available on PlayStore. I use the app signing process to build the release APK, by putting app bundle on the Play console and retrieving the APK from the console, then I distribute this APK as the official release on GitHub.

I tried to configure my yaml file to distribute this same APK using F-Droid, but when I launch the “fdroid build” command, it seems that this version is not reproductible, and when investigating, I noticed that the PlayStore version added metadata in the AndroidManifest.xml file, some resources files, dex files are differents…

I tried a few things to make the build reproductible without success. Is it even possible to distribute the same APK on the Play Store and F-Droid or should I stick to a version with a different signature ? Removing links to the existing binaries seems to work fine.

Thanks in advance

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Google injects some garbage in the APK they serve to you, so no, you can’t reproduce that. :man_shrugging:

Thanks for your answer. I wanted to distribute the same APK on all platforms but it seems impossible now. I think I will distribute another APK signed locally on GitHub and use the reproducibility with this one.

Yes, it’s only possible if your app was on Play from before Nov 2021, signed by you.