Repomaker&Repository in Next/owncloud


may would be a great suggestion if there be a possible for make a

repository in

a Nextcloud/User instance to give the User a possible for create an

own Repo

for his phone. May interesting for Developers who have a running


and want directly test the download directly and install the own

developed App and can upload via webdav.

"o-n'F-droid-repo" for Own/Nextcloud

(oh an F-Droid Repo :wink: in Own/Next)
best regards

Yes, it would be quite nice. I think no one objects to the idea, it just needs someone to make it happen.

well, make it public in irc or other developer places by meetings or something,
maybe someone can php and wants to do that . Make a bit advertising for itā€¦
Ask the Admin of f-droid, or the one who have build up the blogā€¦

(by the way, the blog itā€™s really labor intensive, why do you are not let make a auto.xml.poll-uploaded files as rss automatically by update of the f-droid repo, so an repository-ā€œautopollerā€ as rss-feed.)

best regards

The best way is for more people to get involved and spread ideas like this. The admin(s) of F-Droid already have too much stuff to do. The website is a good example, we all know that it needs to be improved. Someone needs to step up and do the work.

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