Pourquoi utilisez vous F-Droid?

But you won’t be able to use Netguard at the same time.

Not too long ago @Licaon_Kter said you could use the orbot and Netguard together. It seems unsettled. To confuse or to block? That may be the question.

And Netguard’s FAQ: (54) How to tunnel all TCP connections through the Tor network? Implies it may be possible too.


Rem: by using Torbrowser I was able to see a website we can’t see outside US.

Sometimes all it takes is “New Tor Circuit for this site”). It’s fun to see how content presentation changes with location as Tor circuits change, and not so fun to see how many block Tor or “foreign” connections.

Bonjour, sans faire exprès j’ai désinstaller newpipe mais il m’est impossible de le ré installer. Comment faire ? Merci beaucoup

Try this? https://newpipe.net/blog/announcement/f-droid/pinned/f-droid-repo/

essaye Blockada ou blokada tu verra cest pour vpn moi je prendras celle de blokada est mieux
aussi il fais anti-publicité jai tester par les jeux pour les videos sa fonctionne aucun pour jouer les video pour gagner des trucs donc sa fonctionne super bien le application blokada

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