Plus de clavier virtuel sous duckduckgo

je viens de faire la mise à jour de Lineage 17.1-20200420-NIGHTLY-FP2 et je n’ai plus de clavier virtuel qui apparait avec duckduckgo… Sur un forum, il est conseillé de réinitialiser le téléphone.
J’i pris soin d’aller vérifier les paramètres relatifs au clavier virtuel, tout me semble correct;

Which keyboard?

Try with Simple Keyboard | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository or

OpenBoard | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository or

Hacker's Keyboard | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository or

hi Licaon_Kter,
I resolved the false problem: it’s a new window of duckduckgo that i had to discover.
There is a space in the middle of the screen and if it loocks like the place where to type, it’s not. I discover that I have to type directly in the yellow space (private research) and it’s ok.
thanks one more time
I have an other question, then I open a new topic.

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