Outdated version of OpenCalc

I have a question of OpenCalc: OpenCalc | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

The metadata lists the latest v3.1.4 version: metadata/com.darkempire78.opencalculator.yml · master · F-Droid / Data · GitLab
The regular expression is: Tags ^v[\d.]+$

I don’t understand why v3.1.4 is not suggested.
Can you please help me to understand?

Version 3.1.0-beta1 (47) was added on January 20, 2025 on F-Droid while the release on Github dates back Jul 9, 2024…

Thank you.

3.1.2 was released on FD today.
FD takes approx 2 weeks to deploy once developer/new tags are added. FD builds from source and releases once each app is signed. Hence the delay

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Why exagerate? :man_shrugging:

3.1.2 was tagged 4 days ago…

Not exactly wrong either. I believe, I ahould have written as depending on the last build cycle and tag being picked up.
At times, it does take long.

sure, our average is pretty good, year long, but indeed we had unexpected delays, due to various issues

I’d say 7 days is a stretch today.

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Actually I was surprised by that:

Version 3.1.0-beta1 (47) - Added on Jan 20, 2025

Why publishing this apk 6 months after the Github release?
Moreover, v3.1.0-beta1 doesn’t match with the regex.

the versioName is whatever the developer wants (or forgets to update): OpenCalc/app/build.gradle.kts at v3.1.0 · Darkempire78/OpenCalc · GitHub

F-Droid builds what is tagged…

The regex is about the tag instead of the version name.


Actually v3.1.0-beta1 was the tag.
As far I understand beta releases shouldn’t be compiled and published on F-Droid (based on the regex rule).

No, it’s not. That version is built from Release v3.1.0 · Darkempire78/OpenCalc · GitHub

One Tag: OpenCalc/app/build.gradle.kts at v3.1.0-beta1 · Darkempire78/OpenCalc · GitHub

Two Tags: OpenCalc/app/build.gradle.kts at v3.1.0 · Darkempire78/OpenCalc · GitHub

F-Droid built the commit: Merge pull request #511 from weblate/weblate-opencalc-strings · Darkempire78/OpenCalc@230314a · GitHub

which was from the SECOND tag: metadata/com.darkempire78.opencalculator.yml · master · F-Droid / Data · GitLab

@Primokorn why are we splitting hairs?

upstream has 2 tags, 6 months apart, with the same exact versionCode and versionName

F-Droid built the latest one, that was correct, even if upstream messed them up

ok? happy?

UpdateCheckMode: Tags ^v[\d.]+$ made sure we DON’T pickup the wrong Tag, the one that has beta in the name

OK I understand now but I don’t see why do you reply @Licaon_Kter if you don’t want to spend time answering to Fdroid users…
By the way, things aren’t clear for devs either: OpenCalc 3.1.0-beta1 crashes as soon as something is entered · Issue #529 · Darkempire78/OpenCalc · GitHub

Thanks anyway. I’ll keep my questions for myself next time.

You seemed happy years ago… on XDA, where I knew you.

I’ve already answered it in post #8 and you went actually... :person_shrugging: :slight_smile:

maybe don’t draw conclusions based on small bits of text? :roll_eyes:

Confusion is all I can see here. But let us just step down the heat wagon and relax. It is just an app, and not the life we breathe.
No use of debate or argument. :relieved:

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3.1.4 is now available.

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Very true, and only a calculator at that, so I don’t care if it is 7 days or 7 months out of date. It’s hardly something to get agitated about.