Openhub, an alternative client for Github, isn’t marked as having some anti-features.
First it’s assumed to be using tencent services to report bugs.
This can effectively be a tracker.
The second is, though(as Octodroid) this is for Github it isn’t marked as promoting proprietary network service(s).
But does it have Bugly? Remove Bugly. · ThirtyDegreesRay/OpenHub@fcb9b42 · GitHub
But yeah, NonFreeNet it needs
No, no Bugly since 3.2.1. Thought I’d seen previous versions on F-Droid too, but it seems like they were either removed or never added.
Thanks for the quick fact-check.
Seems okay to be closed once the ‘Non-free network service’ flag is added. Thx!
Last version did remove Bugly and older ones were disabled because of Bugly. I just created a MR for the anti-feature: Add NonFreeNet to Openhub (!10128) · Merge requests · F-Droid / Data · GitLab
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