Open contacts not opens. Keeps on crashing

Is anybody using open contacts?Im not able to use it on my phone and nexus tab.It just keeps crashing when I try to run it.

Open Contacts version 5. It works for me.

Did you report this upstream: Issues · Sultanahamer / OpenContacts · GitLab ?

I also tried with this version and the one before this v4.0.Thankyou.

Sorry for the late reply.Took me two days to register in Gitlab.Almost gave up solving “Im not robot.”
I reported to the dev with the link you gave.Thankyou.

“Sorry for the late reply.Took me two days to register in Gitlab.” lol :rofl:

Version 6.0 is out today.

Yes,Thankyou.Im keeping in touch with the dev.He is working on this issue.

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