Over the past few months, I have been working on a FOSS content filter (NSFW) app in Java, which I plan to release on the F-Droid store. This is my second app, and it is currently hosted in a private repository on my GitHub. The app is designed to work with all installed apps and is already functional; it uses AccessibilityService to search for keywords and regex patterns within apps and then blocks them accordingly. However, it is not yet configurable for other users, which makes it pretty useless to release at this stage. Due to my limited time and the fact that my job as a developer keeps me at the computer for long hours, I am looking for someone who would be interested in helping me with the steps toward publication. This includes improving the UI design, providing database support, and possibly assisting with other small tasks to make the app more user-friendly and configurable.
Link for others to study?
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I will clean up my repository and post then here the link to it.
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I updated the README a bit. The code still isn’t perfect, but here is the link:
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