NewPipe update request

Will be fixed in the next version, I wonder if is related to
and Youtube is pushing modifications, being pressed by the RIAA.

This error is wierd. In the past while using a VPN you can connect to the UK and it would work. Not this time. YouTube sucks. NewPipe is the shit. Hate when I gotta us regular Youtube. Newpipe team keep up the good work.

how to fix:

export your settings and subscriptions

clear cache and all data from android settings

reopen newpipe and it will work. import you’re old settings and subscriptions

And…drumroll…not fixed. Tried already…

sorry brother, it worked for me. hopefully the update with the fix gets pushed soon.

speak of the devil, the notification just got pushed to my phone.

Was build but not published, something is off, we’ll have a look.

I added NewPipe’s F-Droid repository:


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Umm how about no?!

Export your settings, import them in “NewPipe Legacy”, come back when the signature v2 for reproducible builds issue is fixed.

/LE: Also the spirit of FOSS means more merge requests and less complains, we are aware of the issue, we’d like a helping hand not repeating posts.

I am wondering if there could be two classes of apps that are built by build-servers.

(i.e) lets say priority apps: like NewPipe (may be Öffi) are checked and built every few hours.

Though one may feel why a ‘non-free’ service like youtube’s app - needs priority - life is unfair. More people use it - especially for those average user.

Not sure (due to being clean) if fdroid-servers have a list of most downloaded apps.

Many thanks

How about nope?!

Everyone wants their app to have priority, now, if you bothered to read the Newpipe thread you’d now that Newpipe was build everyday since launch.

The build is NOT the issue now.

For now, use NewPipe Legacy to import your backup.

Part of the problem seems to be that people don’t (and possibly cannot) notice that there is some progress with respect to the NewPipe issue (or whatever you’d like to call it).

It might help attracting more helping hands if we’d see a link to the ticket in Tickets | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository which tracks the issue…


@Ingolf same cycle every 4 months when Google changes something, people flock here complaining, never to be seen (or to help) again after it gets fixed (this time). :frowning:

I can understand your frustration. However, to me the situation looks as follows:

  • Every now and then, Google introduces changes which break NewPipe
  • The NewPipe folks find and implement a fix, and a new release is published
  • Sometimes, F-Droid will publish the update quite soon; sometimes the update gets stuck somewhere
  • Some people just notice that the NewPipe version available via F-Droid no longer works and ask here soon after the problem occurs (they might not know the NewPipe repo and bug tracker)
  • Other people know that a new release of NewPipe has been out for some while and come here, too, asking why F-Droid still is on the old version
  • Apparently, some members of the forum know more details and hint at some problems in the build/publish process in F-Droid
  • As these problems seem to show up regularly, one would expect that there is an official issue in the data base collecting all the knowledge accumulated by the “knowing” members
  • Yet, even after asking for a link to more information, we still only know what the issue is NOT and that there is some frustration among the contributors due to the lack of support from the community.

Putting aside the fact that probably only a small minority of F-Droid users will be (technically) be in a position to actually help, those who actually could will certainly not want to start from zero when they find that obviously others have already accumulated some insight before.

And what is wrong with a short message in the thread saying “Hey, we are currently fighting some problem in the build process. Please be patient. In case you are interested, have a look at <link-to-the-issue>. Help is definitely welcome.”?


I kept forgetting to post that link ^^^ but then again, past experience proved that it won’t matter. It would just move posts from here to there, nothing of value would be gained.

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This one works for me!! Thank you!

@Licaon_Kter BTW, I have had a look at the issue. But unfortunately, I’ll not be able to help: despite having been a software developer for several years, I am neither familiar enough with the Java language nor with building Android applications. Sorry, but good luck with solving that issue. For the moment, I’ll just keep using the NewPipe repo for updating.


Newer versions of New Pipe are already available and work well, the newest one being
Ironically github suggest “download from f-droid”, where it is not available.
Would be nice to have it on f-droid again.
Btw., for New pipe legacy, there is a newer version available on f-droid, which works with the youtube API.

Is it possible to get the latest NewPipe update (0.22.2) to correct the “could not parse website” error? Thank you and happy holidays.