Newpipe/Skytube not working

I don’t know WTF I’m doing wrong.

First, i have newpipe for a week and it works fine until suddenly nothing ever plays again. Just continuous loading. So i grab skytube and again nothing works. Every random video i pick gives me the same video playback error.

I cleared cache, cleared data, rebooted, force closed newpipe several times and nothing fixed it.

For skytube, i literally just installed it and all the videos i pick won’t play. What am i missing? What am i doing wrong??!?

NewPipe often randomly breaks when YouTube changes their site, but I just tried a random YouTube video in it and have no trouble.

Did you install some DNS blocker/filter app perhaps that could be blocking YouTube?

Hi there,
Wow, i had my VPN on, and that was what was causing the issue. I did not know that could be the cause, so thank you so very much! It was driving me mental.

Skytube has not been updated in almost 5 months now. That is bound to break with foogle updating footube almost daily. NewPipe tries to update as soon as they can though.

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