Newapp: ManhoodOfHumanity

please add them to the proper place: Issues · c22qE/ManhoodOfHumanity · GitHub :wink:


Yeah, I think it could be useful.

I could make an app that includes a few books Manhood Of Humanity, General Semantics Seminars 1937, Science and Sanity…,

However with getting even the electronic English version (PDF File) of the books in my country, presents a problem with payment.

As of this date I have only Russian translation of the books on my PC

I am very happy and encouraged that you helped to publish the app, thank you. I think you have contributed a lot to f-droid by helping the developers. I use f-droid apps almost every day and find them useful, they fulfill their purpose,.

I apologize :face_with_peeking_eye: was a bit carried away and amended / extended the “include english version” without any second thought. You are absolutely right, everything in its right place :raised_hands: :blush:

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ditto — thank you @Licaon_Kter for the enduring assistance provided in your unwavering commitment to this cause :heart:

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A little search reveals Alfred Korzybski - Wikipedia which points to many of his works available in English on Project Gutenberg without any copyright worries.

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*I found the book (second edition) in English, and I hope to add it in 3-4 weeks.

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